Hammad:The Master said, “Yu, shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing,to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it — this is knowledge.”
Miftah:The Master said, “I am not the one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am the one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there.”
孔 子:这里的风景真不错。(The scenery here is pretty good.)
弟子1:夫子!你看那边。(Master, look, over there.)
童子1:我说的对!(I am correct!)
童子2:我说的才对!你不对!(No, you are not! I am the correct one!)
童子1:我对!(Yes, I am correct!)
孔 子:快——(Stop them!)
弟子1:你们先别吵了!(No more quarrelling!)
孔 子:二位童子,你们在争论什么?连路也顾不得让?(What are you arguing about?)
童子1:哦?你是谁呀?(You are?)
孔 子:我是鲁国的孔丘。 (I’m Confucius from Kingdom Lu.)
童子2:孔丘?你就是鲁国那个无书不读的孔圣人?(Confucius? You are that learned saint from Kingdom Lu?)
孔 子:我是孔丘,却不是什么圣人。( Yes, I’m that Confucius, but not a saint.)
童子2:你来得正巧,快来给我们评一评理,看到底谁说的对?(Well, since you are here,could you be our judge to check who is correct?)
孔 子:评理? (To be a judge? )
弟子1:小孩子有什么好评的理?夫子,不要理他们,我们继续赶路吧。(How can kids have any judgement to make? Master, let’s leave them alone and hurry on with our journey.)
孔 子:或许他们争论的是个很有意思的问题呢?也许对我们有启发呢?二位童子,说说看。来,你先。( Maybe they are talking about an interesting topic, and may bring some inspiration to us. Here, you come first.)
童子1:我们争论的是太阳何时离地面最近。(We are talking about when the distance between the sun and the earth is the nearest.)
弟子2:小小年纪居然争论我们都没想过的问题!(It’s amazing for such young kids to talk about such dificult topic which we had never thought of.)
弟子3:我们要好好听一听。(Let’s listen to that carefully!)
孔 子:那你说太阳何时离地面最近呢?(What is your argument?)
童子1:我认为早晨和下午太阳离地面最近,因为这个时候太阳大如车轮,而中午却小如圆盘。人看东西近的大,远的小,所以早晚太阳离得近。(I think the distance is thenearest in the morning and the afternoon, because the sun looks as big as a wheel at that time and as small as a dish at noon. When it is close, the object looks bigger; when it is far, it looks small. Here is my conclusion.)
弟子1、2、3:言之有理,言之有理啊!(It’s definitely reasonable!)
童子2:哼,不对,他说的不对!早晨和下午的太阳凉飕飕的,而中午的太阳像火炉一样,凡人感受事物, 近的热远的凉,所以中午的太阳离得最近。(Not at all! It is cold in the morning and in the afternoon, yet hot at noon. It is a rule for people to feel hot when a hot thing is closer and cold as it goes away. So, the distance is the closest at noon!)
孔 子:嗯,也很有道理啊。(It is logical as well.)
童子1:那你说,我们谁说的对?(So whose conclusion is correct?)
孔 子:二位童子,实在对不起,你们的问题我也弄不明白。( I’m sorry, I don’t know the answer. )
童子2:唉,看来圣人也不比别人知道得多啊!( The saint is just as ignorant as others. )
童子1:看来传闻也靠不住哇!(Yes, words are but wind!)
童子1、2:那咱们不吵了,该回家吃饭了。走。(Let’s stop and go home for dinner. Let’s go.)
弟子1:夫子,您何必那么认真,就说其中一个对就行了,也免得他们这样说您。(Master, why don’t you just say one of them is correct?)
孔 子:休得胡言,人在世上要童叟无欺,而且他们的问题我的确不懂,对任何问题,不懂不要装懂,知道的就是知道,不知道的就是不知道,这才是智慧啊!(That’snonsense. Cheating makes no good. The truth is I don’t know the answer. When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it — this is knowledge.)
弟子1:夫子,此话怎讲呢?(Master, what does that mean?)
孔 子:我们应该做诚实的人,把知道的东西传授给别人,是不是很快乐?但如果我们不知道,我们也应该勇于承认,然后认真学习新知识,把原本不知道的变成知道的,不是变得更有智慧了吗?( We should be honest. It is pleasant to teach people things we know, but if we don’t know, we should have the courage to admit that and acquire new knowledge, making the unknown to become the known. We will become wiser,won’t we?)
弟子1、2、3:夫子,我们受教了。( Thank master for your teaching.)
孔 子:好,我们继续赶路吧。(All right, let’s continue our journey.)
姓 名:Bilal Ahmad 等国 籍:巴基斯坦
语 种:中英