第8章 扁鹊与牛黄
Bian Que and Niu Huang(Bezoar)
Niu Huang(Bezoar)is a blindly expensive traditional Chinese medicine.As the legend has it,it was accidently discovered by Bian Que,an ancient Chinese medical scientist.One day,Bian Que was sorting out the gold chloriti which had been calcined on the table.At that time,his neighbor Yang Bao killed a sick cow and found something like stone in the gallbladder.He didn't know what it was.So Yang Bao took the gallbladder to ask Bian Que.Bian Que opened the gallbladder and took out two "stones" on the table,watching them carefully.
After returning home for a while,Yang Bao hurriedly ran back and toldBian Que that his father could not breathe and kept twitching on the bed.Bian Que hurried to Yang Bao's home and saw that the old man turned up his eyes,making noise in his throat.Bian Que asked Yang Bao to bring the chloriti quickly which were put on the table in his home.He grounded it into powder and poured it down the throat of the patient.After a while,Yang Bao's father stopped twitching and subsequently his breath was going calm.When Bian Que returned home,he found the two cow "stones" on the table missing.Under careful examinations,he found that Yang Bao mistook it for the gold chloriti.Bian Que thought:Does the "stone" have the effect of clearing away phlegm and calming the frigntening?
The next day,he used it as a component to make medicine and sent it to Yang Bao's father.Within a few days,the old man was miraculously fully recovered.Bian Que named the dark-yellow stone in the sick cow's gallbladder as Niu Huang.