第6章 “恶魔天使”安琪儿
作为一个杀手,她很清楚该如何为自己脱罪,而且,在沙滩上,不只是她一个人,还有一个帮她放风的眼线。安琪儿随即用另外一个手机打电话给他,问道:“How's it going?(怎么样了?)”
“It should be hopeless, after all, such a long time has passed, and that position is relatively far away from the public, he ended up lying on the beach, and no one found it.(应该是没救了,毕竟这么长时间过去了,而且,那个位置距离大众比较远,他最后是躺在沙滩上的,并没有人发现。)”
“Good. I'm already at the airport.You stay and testify, and I'll transfer back as soon as possible.(那就好,我已经在机场了。你留下来做个证,我尽快转机回去。)”
在鹰国的酒店里,安琪儿泡在浴缸里,接到了养父的电话,从语气里,她听得出,养父真的很是疲惫。安琪儿就问道:“What happened?Are you not feeling well?(怎么了?是身体不舒服吗?)”
那边却是笑了笑说道:“No, I just didn't sleep well last night.By the way, he reported to me earlier that you are much more thorough in handling things now and think highly of you.I'm glad, too. After all, as my daughter, you are really excellent.(没有,就是昨天晚上没有睡好。对了,之前他汇报我说你现在处理事情周全多了,对你的评价颇高。我也是很欣慰,毕竟,作为我的女儿,你确实很优秀。)”
“I know you don't like it, but he is the perfect candidate for your future and can help you share a lot of things.What's more, like you, he grew up there, so it will be quite in tune.Do you know?(我知道你不喜欢,但是他对你未来来说却是绝佳的人选,可以帮你分担很多东西。更何况,他和你一样,都是在那里长大的,所以配合起来会相当合拍。你知道吗?)”
安琪儿则是摸了摸额头,一时不知道该说什么,顿了顿,她才道:“Got it, Dad.I'll be back about the day after tomorrow.(知道了,爸爸。我大约后天回去。)”
“Demon angel.(恶魔天使。)”
手机突然响了起来,安琪儿看了一眼,有些皱眉,不过还是接了起来:“What happened?(怎么了?)”
那边的男声还是依旧,只是说道:“The police found your DNA sample and did the forensics work. I don't know what your plan is.(警方查到了你的DNA样本,并且做了取证工作,不知道你有什么打算?)”
安琪儿则是轻笑一声,冷冷地问道:“Do you want to help kill them?If you have such a plan, I don't mind.But I believe you will definitely be the number one world celebrity tomorrow.(难道你想帮忙杀了他们?如果你有这个打算的话,我倒是不介意。不过我相信你明天绝对是头号的世界名人。)”
“Mr. Michael, do you think the resolution of the hostile contradictions between the two governments can lead to the melting of conflicts between the armed forces in other regions?(迈克尔先生,那您觉得此次两个政府的敌对矛盾化解,是否可以促成其他地区武装力量矛盾的消融呢?)”
“How to say this? the main reason for resolving the contradiction this time is that the two governments are unwilling to sacrifice people's lives and property, so they can win a decisive victory under the joint persuasion of many countries.However, in fact, throughout the world, many countries themselves, in addition to their own problems, there is also the invasion of external military forces, so it is more troublesome to solve them.But the reference is still true.(这个要怎么说呢,主要是这次解决矛盾,得益于两个政府不愿意拿人民的生命财产作为牺牲,所以才能在多个国家的联合劝解之下取得决定性胜利。但是,其实纵观全球,很多的国家本身除了自己的问题意外,还有外部军事力量的入侵,所以在解决起来比较麻烦。但是借鉴意义还是的。)”
“Did the new government say anything?(新政府有说什么吗?)”
开车的司机却是摇摇头,随即苦笑道:“Even if there is, in our position, how can we hear such news?(就算是有,以我们的位置,怎么可能听到的这种消息呢?)”