Relationship between China Road and“One Country Two Systems” Practices
Guo Xiaoshuo,Xu Haibo
Abstract:The China Road and “One Country Two Systems” as the theoretical achievements of Marxism in China an important part,is the innovation and development of Marxist theory of social forms,is characteristic of Marxist Practice generate concrete manifestation,but when China's modernization and development path both into the characteristics and national rejuvenation over the dialectical unity. However,the reality of the need for further development of theory and clarify what sort What is the relationship between the two:the “two systems two-way” or “two systems all the way”? Cut from concept through politics and road systems were analyzed using the practice to generate visual threshold to interpret the relationship between the two can be drawn “two systems two-way” is to create barriers and obstacles to the crux,and “two systems all the way ”is the practice of ensuring the smooth conduct.
Keywords:Chinese Road;“One Country”;Practice Generation