[词语]a/the fifth wheel
a/the third wheel
[趣释]【物事喻指】轮子(wheels)是车辆或机械上能够旋转的圆形部件。对车辆来说,有了轮子才能行走。非机动车辆为两轮或一轮;机动车辆一般为四轮或三轮。早先,人类使用非机动车辆,第三轮(the third wheel)多余之物;现今,人类大量使用机动车辆,第五轮则被视为备胎、多余之物。在语言上,人们常用“第三轮”(the third wheel)或“第五轮”(the fifth wheel)喻指多余的人、不必要的东西。
[运用]I don't have a role in the office any more—I feel like a fifth wheel. 我在办公室已经没有什么作用——我觉得我像个多余的人。
We decided to fire that worker, he was just a fifth wheel. 我们决定解雇那个人,他不过是个多余无用的人。
A mother-in-law on a honeymoon is the fifth wheel. 度蜜月时丈母娘就成了一个大灯泡。
The chair is a fifth wheel. Please take it away. 这把椅子是多余的,请把它搬走。