About the Authors
Marco Schwartz is an electrical engineer, entrepreneur, and blogger. He has a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Supélec in France and a Master's degree in Micro Engineering from the EPFL in Switzerland.
He has more than 5 years of experience working in the domain of electrical engineering. His interests gravitate around electronics, home automation, the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms, open source hardware projects, and 3D printing.
He runs several websites around Arduino, including the Open Home Automation website, which is dedicated to building home automation systems using open source hardware.
He has written another book on home automation and Arduino, called Home Automation with Arduino and another book on how to build the Internet of Things projects with Arduino, called Internet of Things with the Arduino Yún, Packt Publishing.
Stefan Buttigieg is a medical doctor, mobile developer, and entrepreneur. He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Malta, and he is currently enrolled at the University of Sheffield where he is undertaking a Master's degree in Health Informatics.
He has more than 5 years of experience working in various technical positions in international and local student organizations, and has founded MD Geeks, an online community that brings health professionals, developers, and entrepreneurs together from around the world to share their passion for the intersection of healthcare and information technology.
His main interests are in mobile development, specifically, Android and iOS, open source healthcare projects, user interface design, mobile user experience, and project management.
I would like to thank Angelika Biernacka-Buttigieg, my wife, for her unconditional support and patience throughout the creation of this book.
My parents, Joseph Buttigieg and Anne Buttigieg, for their support for this book project.
Christopher Svanefalk for his amazing insight and patience with code reviews and support.
Don Coleman, for his invaluable help in Chapter 8, Control an Arduino Board via NFC. We recommend his expertise on near field communication technologies.