What this book covers
Chapter 1, Diving In – Our First Salt Commands, teaches you how to install Salt and execute basic commands.
Chapter 2, Controlling Your Minions with Remote Execution, covers how to use Salt to accomplish tasks on your minions through remote execution.
Chapter 3, Execution Modules – Write Your Own Solution, teaches you how to write your own custom remote-execution modules to extend Salt for your own purposes.
Chapter 4, Defining the State of Your Infrastructure, covers how to use Salt states to define and enforce the state of your infrastructure.
Chapter 5, Expanding Our States with Jinja2 and Pillar, shows how to make your states more flexible and powerful using Jinja2 and pillar data.
Chapter 6, The Highstate and Environments, teaches you how to structure your states into environments and enforce the state of your entire infrastructure using a single command.
Chapter 7, Using Salt Cloud to Manage Virtual Minions, covers how to manage your cloud virtual machines using Salt Cloud to create and manage VMs.
Chapter 8, The Reactor and the Event System, shows how to make your infrastructure automatically react to changes using the reactor and the event system built into Salt.