About the Authors
Erik Hommel has been an active member of the CiviCRM community since 2009.
He is one of the founders of CiviCooP (http://www.civicoop.org) and one of the partners in EE-atWork (http://www.ee-atwork.nl). With both organizations, he has supported CiviCRM implementation and customization projects with customers such as MAF Norge, Amnesty International Flanders, De Goede Woning, PUM Senior Experts, Wikimedia The Netherlands, and many more, as a project manager/developer/consultant.
Erik has hosted sessions at CiviCon in London and Amsterdam, and several CiviCRM Developer Training workshops. He has taken part in the development of a number of extensions for CiviCRM and has taken part in several CiviCRM sprints in Europe.
You can find Erik regularly on the CiviCRM Stack Exchange site, the IRC channel, and at CiviCRM events in North West Europe.
Joseph Murray is the owner and principal of JMA Consulting, specialists in e-advocacy, e-consultation, and citizen engagement for progressive organizations. He has extensive experience on nonprofit boards, at senior levels of government, and in running electoral, referendum, and advocacy campaigns. JMA Consulting has provided CRM systems to hundreds of political campaigns, tracking interactions with tens of millions of voters, as well as providing CiviCRM, Drupal, and Wordpress strategy, implementation, development, and training services to numerous nonprofits, associations, and advocacy groups. JMA Consulting has published extensions for CiviCRM integrating it with mail, social media, chat, and other services, as well as enhancing the core functionality for grants and other areas.
Joe is an active contributor to the CiviCRM ecosystem, and assists the CiviCRM core team in areas including accounting functionality, sponsorships, and community governance.
I'd like to extend tremendous thanks to Brian for shouldering the burden of the rewrite for this second edition yet keeping me as co-author. Thanks to Donald Lobo and Dave Greenberg for founding CiviCRM and seeing it through its first 10 years. And thanks to Tim Otten, Coleman Watts, and Josh Gowans for taking over as the next generation of CiviCRM core team leaders as we begin 2016—you'll do a great job coordinating this amazing open source community.
Brian P. Shaughnessy is the owner and principal of Lighthouse Consulting & Design, a web development firm specializing in CiviCRM implementations for Joomla!, Drupal, and WordPress. Brian previously worked with a communication firm serving not-for-profit professional, trade, and charitable organizations for over 10 years. After starting his own business, he channeled that experience into effective implementations of CiviCRM for not-for-profits and government institutions. He has worked with organizations around the world, helping them to achieve greater efficiencies and expand functionality through CiviCRM.
Brian is very active in the CiviCRM community, regularly contributing code to the core software, speaking at CiviCon events, and helping to lead a local user group in the Albany, NY area. In the past he has worked with the core development team to provide end-user training and maintains a strong working relationship with the project leaders.
He extends his appreciation to the core team—particularly the founders, Dave and Lobo—as well as the many other core team developers and community developers around the world who have helped make CiviCRM a powerful tool in the hands of not-for-profits, community organizations, and government institutions.