Learning DevOps:Continuously Deliver Better Software

Chapter 2. A View from Orbit

The DevOps process and Continuous Delivery pipelines can be very complex. You need to have a grasp of the intended final results before starting the implementation.

This chapter will help you understand how the various systems of a Continuous Delivery pipeline fit together, forming a larger whole.

In this chapter, we will read about:

  • An overview of the DevOps process, a Continuous Delivery pipeline implementation, and the participants in the process
  • Release management
  • Scrum, Kanban, and the delivery pipeline
  • Bottlenecks

The DevOps process and Continuous Delivery – an overview

There is a lot of detail in the following overview image of the Continuous Delivery pipeline, and you most likely won't be able to read all the text. Don't worry about this just now; we are going to delve deeper into the details as we go along.

For the time being, it is enough to understand that when we work with DevOps, we work with large and complex processes in a large and complex context.

An example of a Continuous Delivery pipeline in a large organization is introduced in the following image:

While the basic outline of this image holds true surprisingly often, regardless of the organization. There are, of course, differences, depending on the size of the organization and the complexity of the products that are being developed.

The early parts of the chain, that is, the developer environments and the Continuous Integration environment, are normally very similar.

The number and types of testing environments vary greatly. The production environments also vary greatly.

In the following sections, we will discuss the different parts of the Continuous Delivery pipeline.

The developers

The developers (on the far left in the figure) work on their workstations. They develop code and need many tools to be efficient.

The following detail from the previous larger Continuous Delivery pipeline overview illustrates the development team.

Ideally, they would each have production-like environments available to work with locally on their workstations or laptops. Depending on the type of software that is being developed, this might actually be possible, but it's more common to simulate, or rather, mock, the parts of the production environments that are hard to replicate. This might, for example, be the case for dependencies such as external payment systems or phone hardware.

When you work with DevOps, you might, depending on which of its two constituents you emphasized on in your original background, pay more or less attention to this part of the Continuous Delivery pipeline. If you have a strong developer background, you appreciate the convenience of a prepackaged developer environment, for example, and work a lot with those. This is a sound practice, since otherwise developers might spend a lot of time creating their development environments. Such a prepackaged environment might, for instance, include a specific version of the Java Development Kit and an integrated development environment, such as Eclipse. If you work with Python, you might package a specific Python version, and so on.

Keep in mind that we essentially need two or more separately maintained environments. The preceding developer environment consists of all the development tools we need. These will not be installed on the test or production systems. Further, the developers also need some way to deploy their code in a production-like way. This can be a virtual machine provisioned with Vagrant running on the developer's machine, a cloud instance running on AWS, or a Docker container: there are many ways to solve this problem.


My personal preference is to use a development environment that is similar to the production environment. If the production servers run Red Hat Linux, for instance, the development machine might run CentOS Linux or Fedora Linux. This is convenient because you can use much of the same software that you run in production locally and with less hassle. The compromise of using CentOS or Fedora can be motivated by the license costs of Red Hat and also by the fact that enterprise distributions usually lag behind a bit with software versions.

If you are running Windows servers in production, it might also be more convenient to use a Windows development machine.

The revision control system

The revision control system is often the heart of the development environment. The code that forms the organization's software products is stored here. It is also common to store the configurations that form the infrastructure here. If you are working with hardware development, the designs might also be stored in the revision control system.

The following image shows the systems dealing with code, Continuous Integration, and artifact storage in the Continuous Delivery pipeline in greater detail:

For such a vital part of the organization's infrastructure, there is surprisingly little variation in the choice of product. These days, many use Git or are switching to it, especially those using proprietary systems reaching end-of-life.

Regardless of the revision control system you use in your organization, the choice of product is only one aspect of the larger picture.

You need to decide on directory structure conventions and which branching strategy to use.

If you have a great deal of independent components, you might decide to use a separate repository for each of them.

Since the revision control system is the heart of the development chain, many of its details will be covered in Chapter 5, Building the Code.

The build server

The build server is conceptually simple. It might be seen as a glorified egg timer that builds your source code at regular intervals or on different triggers.

The most common usage pattern is to have the build server listen to changes in the revision control system. When a change is noticed, the build server updates its local copy of the source from the revision control system. Then, it builds the source and performs optional tests to verify the quality of the changes. This process is called Continuous Integration. It will be explored in more detail in Chapter 5, Building the Code.

Unlike the situation for code repositories, there hasn't yet emerged a clear winner in the build server field.

In this book, we will discuss Jenkins, which is a widely used open source solution for build servers. Jenkins works right out of the box, giving you a simple and robust experience. It is also fairly easy to install.

The artifact repository

When the build server has verified the quality of the code and compiled it into deliverables, it is useful to store the compiled binary artifacts in a repository. This is normally not the same as the revision control system.

In essence, these binary code repositories are filesystems that are accessible over the HTTP protocol. Normally, they provide features for searching and indexing as well as storing metadata, such as various type identifiers and version information about the artifacts.

In the Java world, a pretty common choice is Sonatype Nexus. Nexus is not limited to Java artifacts, such as Jars or Ears, but can also store artifacts of the operating system type, such as RPMs, artifacts suitable for JavaScript development, and so on.

Amazon S3 is a key-value datastore that can be used to store binary artifacts. Some build systems, such as Atlassian Bamboo, can use Amazon S3 to store artifacts. The S3 protocol is open, and there are open source implementations that can be deployed inside your own network. One such possibility is the Ceph distributed filesystem, which provides an S3-compatible object store.

Package managers, which we will look at next, are also artifact repositories at their core.

Package managers

Linux servers usually employ systems for deployment that are similar in principle but have some differences in practice.

Red Hat-like systems use a package format called RPM. Debian-like systems use the .deb format, which is a different package format with similar abilities. The deliverables can then be installed on servers with a command that fetches them from a binary repository. These commands are called package managers.

On Red Hat systems, the command is called yum, or, more recently, dnf. On Debian-like systems, it is called aptitude/dpkg.

The great benefit of these package management systems is that it is easy to install and upgrade a package; dependencies are installed automatically.

If you don't have a more advanced system in place, it would be feasible to log in to each server remotely and then type yum upgrade on each one. The newest packages would then be fetched from the binary repository and installed. Of course, as we will see, we do indeed have more advanced systems of deployment available; therefore, we won't need to perform manual upgrades.

Test environments

After the build server has stored the artifacts in the binary repository, they can be installed from there into test environments.

The following figure shows the test systems in greater detail:

Test environments should normally attempt to be as production-like as is feasible. Therefore, it is desirable that the they be installed and configured with the same methods as production servers.


Staging environments are the last line of test environments. They are interchangeable with production environments. You install your new releases on the staging servers, check that everything works, and then swap out your old production servers and replace them with the staging servers, which will then become the new production servers. This is sometimes called the blue-green deployment strategy.

The exact details of how to perform this style of deployment depend on the product being deployed. Sometimes, it is not possible to have several production systems running in parallel, usually because production systems are very expensive.

At the other end of the spectrum, we might have many hundreds of production systems in a pool. We can then gradually roll out new releases in the pool. Logged-in users stay with the version running on the server they are logged in to. New users log in to servers running new versions of the software.

The following detail from the larger Continuous Delivery image shows the final systems and roles involved:

Not all organizations have the resources to maintain production-quality staging servers, but when it's possible, it is a nice and safe way to handle upgrades.

Release management

We have so far assumed that the release process is mostly automatic. This is the dream scenario for people working with DevOps.

This dream scenario is a challenge to achieve in the real world. One reason for this is that it is usually hard to reach the level of test automation needed in order to have complete confidence in automated deploys. Another reason is simply that the cadence of business development doesn't always the match cadence of technical development. Therefore, it is necessary to enable human intervention in the release process.

A faucet is used in the following figure to symbolize human interaction—in this case, by a dedicated release manager.

How this is done in practice varies, but deployment systems usually have a way to support how to describe which software versions to use in different environments.

The integration test environments can then be set to use the latest versions that have been deployed to the binary artifact repository. The staging and production servers have particular versions that have been tested by the quality assurance team.

Scrum, Kanban, and the delivery pipeline

How does the Continuous Delivery pipeline that we have described in this chapter support Agile processes such as Scrum and Kanban?

Scrum focuses on sprint cycles, which can occur biweekly or monthly. Kanban can be said to focus more on shorter cycles, which can occur daily.

The philosophical differences between Scrum and Kanban are a bit deeper, although not mutually exclusive. Many organizations use both Kanban and Scrum together.

From a software-deployment viewpoint, both Scrum and Kanban are similar. Both require frequent hassle-free deployments. From a DevOps perspective, a change starts propagating through the Continuous Delivery pipeline toward test systems and beyond when it is deemed ready enough to start that journey. This might be judged on subjective measurements or objective ones, such as "all unit tests are green."

Our pipeline can manage both the following types of scenarios:

  • The build server supports the generation of the objective code quality metrics that we need in order to make decisions. These decisions can either be made automatically or be the basis for manual decisions.
  • The deployment pipeline can also be directed manually. This can be handled with an issue management system, via configuration code commits, or both.

So, again, from a DevOps perspective, it doesn't really matter if we use Scrum, Scaled Agile Framework, Kanban, or another method within the lean or Agile frameworks. Even a traditional Waterfall process can be successfully managed—DevOps serves all!

Wrapping up – a complete example

So far, we have covered a lot of information at a cursory level.

To make it more clear, let's have a look at what happens to a concrete change as it propagates through the systems, using an example:

  • The development team has been given the responsibility to develop a change to the organization's system. The change revolves around adding new roles to the authentication system. This seemingly simple task is hard in reality because many different systems will be affected by the change.
  • To make life easier, it is decided that the change will be broken down into several smaller changes, which will be tested independently and mostly automatically by automated regression tests.
  • The first change, the addition of a new role to the authentication system, is developed locally on developer machines and given best-effort local testing. To really know if it works, the developer needs access to systems not available in his or her local environment; in this case, an LDAP server containing user information and roles.
  • If test-driven development is used, a failing test is written even before any actual code is written. After the failing test is written, new code that makes the test pass is written.
  • The developer checks in the change to the organization's revision control system, a Git repository.
  • The build server picks up the change and initiates the build process. After unit testing, the change is deemed fit enough to be deployed to the binary repository, which is a Nexus installation.
  • The configuration management system, Puppet, notices that there is a new version of the authentication component available. The integration test server is described as requiring the latest version to be installed, so Puppet goes ahead and installs the new component.
  • The installation of the new component now triggers automated regression tests. When these have been finished successfully, manual tests by the quality assurance team commence.
  • The quality assurance team gives the change its seal of approval. The change moves on to the staging server, where final acceptance testing commences.
  • After the acceptance test phase is completed, the staging server is swapped into production, and the production server becomes the new staging server. This last step is managed by the organization's load-balancing server.

The process is then repeated as needed. As you can see, there is a lot going on!

Identifying bottlenecks

As is apparent from the previous example, there is a lot going on for any change that propagates through the pipeline from development to production. It is important for this process to be efficient.

As with all Agile work, keep track of what you are doing, and try to identify problem areas.

When everything is working as it should, a commit to the code repository should result in the change being deployed to integration test servers within a 15-minute time span.

When things are not working well, a deploy can take days of unexpected hassles. Here are some possible causes:

  • Database schema changes.
  • Test data doesn't match expectations.
  • Deploys are person dependent, and the person wasn't available.
  • There is unnecessary red tape associated with propagating changes.
  • Your changes aren't small and therefore require a lot of work to deploy safely. This might be because your architecture is basically a monolith.

We will examine these challenges further in the chapters ahead.


In this chapter, we delved further into the different types of systems and processes you normally work with when doing DevOps work. We gained a deeper, detailed understanding of the Continuous Delivery process, which is at the core of DevOps.

Next, we will look into how the DevOps mindset affects software architecture in order to help us achieve faster and more precise deliveries.