Ionic:Hybrid Mobile App Development

What you need for this learning path

Module 1:

For this module, you require a system with Windows, Mac, or Linux OS. You need to install NodeJS and NPM to manage dependencies for different projects. This module will guide you through the setup for mobile app development platforms for iOS and Android. Test devices having Android and iOS would be required to test the mobile apps.

Module 2:

Firstly, you will need a Windows, Linux, or Mac computer to follow the code samples in this module. A beyond basic or intermediate knowledge of JavaScript and HTML5 is certainly essential to understand concepts discussed in this module. A basic understanding of Cordova is expected at the very least. You are expected to also have an idea of how to issue commands in a terminal window. You should also have access to a working Internet connection, and a Google account is necessary for Chapter 9, Connecting to Firebase.

Module 3:

  • A Mac computer with Mac OS X El Capitan and root privileges
  • iPhone 5 or later version
  • Any Android device with Android 5.x or later version (optional)
  • Any Windows Phone device (optional)