How to do it...
- In Solution Explorer, double click on Resources.resx file in CSharpAnalyzers project to open the resource file in the resource editor.
- Replace the existing resource strings for AnalyzerDescription, AnalyzerMessageFormat and AnalyzerTitle with new strings.

- Replace the Initialize method implementation with the code from CSharpAnalyzers/CSharpAnalyzers/CSharpAnalyzers/DiagnosticAnalyzer.cs/ method named Initialize.
- Add a private class CompilationAnalyzer from CSharpAnalyzers/CSharpAnalyzers/CSharpAnalyzers/DiagnosticAnalyzer.cs/ type named CompilationAnalyzer in your analyzer to perform the core method body analysis for a given method.
- Click on Ctrl + F5 to start a new Visual Studio instance with the analyzer enabled.
- In the new Visual Studio instance, enable full solution analysis for C# projects by following the steps here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt709421.aspx

- In the new Visual Studio instance, create a new C# class library with the following code:
namespace MyNamespace
public class InsecureMethodAttribute : System.Attribute { }
public interface ISecureType { }
public interface IInsecureInterface
void F();
class MyInterfaceImpl1 : IInsecureInterface
public void F() {}
class MyInterfaceImpl2 : IInsecureInterface, ISecureType
public void F() {}
class MyInterfaceImpl3 : ISecureType
public void F() {}
- Verify the analyzer diagnostic is not reported for MyInterfaceImpl1 and MyInterfaceImpl3, but is reported for MyInterfaceImpl2:

- Now, change MyInterfaceImpl2 so that it no longer implements IInsecureInterface and verify that the diagnostic is no longer reported.
class MyInterfaceImpl2 : ISecureType
public void F() {}