Learn Blockchain Programming with JavaScript


With the help of this book, you'll get to build your own blockchain prototype and a decentralized network by using the JavaScript programming language. Building your own blockchain will help you understand various concepts related to blockchains, such as how blockchain technology works under the hood, how decentralized blockchain networks function, and how to code the blockchain and decentralized network using JavaScript. Also, you will get to learn why blockchain is such a secure and valuable technology.

The blockchain that you'll build throughout this book will have functionalities that are similar to those you would find on a real-life blockchain, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Your blockchain will have functionalities such as the ability to mine new blocks, create new and immutable transactions, and perform a proof of work to secure the blockchain. In addition to these, your blockchain will consist of many other important features. You'll get to explore those as you read further through the chapters.

When you have completed this book, you will have a thorough understanding of how blockchain technology actually works and why this technology is so secure and valuable. You will also have a deep understanding of how decentralized blockchain networks function and why decentralization is such an important feature for securing the blockchain.