For developers to get their crate into this repository, cargo harbors a command: cargo publish. The command is actually doing more things behind the scenes: first it runs the cargo package to create a *.crate file that contains everything that is uploaded. Then it verifies the contents of the package by essentially running cargo test and checks whether there are any uncommitted files in the local repository. Only if these checks pass does cargo upload the contents of the *.crate file to the repository. This requires a valid account on crates.io (available with your GitHub login) to acquire your personal secret API token, and the crate has to follow certain rules.
crates.io aspires to be a permanent storage for Rust crates, so there is no "unpublish" button. Versions can be yanked with cargo yank, but this won't delete any code; it will just prohibit updates to this particular version. Additionally there can be team structures, colorful READMEs, badges, and so on, on your repository's site and we highly recommend you check out the docs on that as well: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/publishing.html.