第五讲 形合与意合
奈达在Translating Meaning(《译意》)中指出,汉语和英语在语言学上最重要的区别就是形合与意合的明显差别(contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis)。
修辞上的形合和意合与思维方式有着密切的关系。中国人偏好形象思维(imagination),汉字就是形象思维的产物,而汉字的构造既体现了形象思维,又体现了逻辑思维。西方人偏好抽象思维(abstract thinking)和逻辑思维(logical thinking),其思维注重逻辑分析,所以他们的拼音文字中有表现各种逻辑关系的连接词语,各部分的关系脉络也显得很清楚。
这段文字是个长句,包含许多短小的分句,从头至尾,句子势如流水,短句间的逻辑关系非常清楚。吕叔湘先生把这种“一个小句接一个小句,很多地方可断可连”的句子称为流水句。流水句是一种特殊的无关联词语复句,其特点之一就是语义联系比较松散,但是它又不同于英语中的run-on sentence(连写句)。
所谓连写句,是一种语法不规范的英文句子,在该用句号、分号或者连接词的地方用了逗号或者什么也没有用,这往往可看作语法结构方面的小错误。如:“We will not hire him he does not seem responsible.”和“I had no cash when I went to buy gas, luckily I had my credit card.”。
Jiangsu province lies in the rich and beautiful Yangtze River delta in the eastern part of China. It has an area of more than 100,000 square kilometres and a population of 67 million.Its natural environment is desirable, its economy prosperous, its culture highly developed, and it has a galaxy of cultural talents and elite.The publishing industry of the province has a long history and enjoys a very good reputation, and ranks among the biggest in the country.
Jiangsu, a province with an area of more than 100,000 square kilometres and a population of 67 million, lies in the rich and beautiful Yangtze River delta area in the eastern part of China. This province not only enjoys a desirable natural environment, but also boasts of a prosperous economy and a highly developed culture with a galaxy of talents.Jiangsu's publishing industry, whose history can be traced back to a long time ago, has a very good reputation and is among the biggest in the country.
(Publishing Industry of Jiangsu Province Today)
Towering in southern Anhui and forming part of the Lingnan Mountain Range,Mt. Huangshan, one of China's ten celebrated scenic spots, is known as the wonderland on earth, whose most attractive part covers an area of some 154 square kilometers.Mt.Huangshan's magnificent and fantastic natural scenery, especially its imposing pines, grotesque rocks, sea of clouds and hot springs, is mysterious and breath-taking, no matter whether it is in spring when everything comes to life, or in summer when the waterfalls cascade from the blue mountains, or in autumn when the mountains are tinged with gold and red, or in the winter season when they are sealed with ice and snow.
(The Four Seasons at Mt. Huangshan)
在翻译成英语之后,文中加上了because, which和but以表示关联:
Xing'er lay down. She felt uncomfortable, because the sofa-bed was far too soft.And she was not used to the smell of the perfume on the pillow case which Mrs Gou had earlier sprayed.She could not tell why, but the excitement of having come to the capital was suddenly gone.
(Bell-and-Drum Tower)
China is a member of the international community. China cannot stay away form from the rest of the world.China's reform, opening-up and modernization require a long and peaceful international environment and friendly cooperative relations with other countries.The world needs China.Peace and development of the world requires a stable and prosperous China……If China, a country with a quarter of the worlds population, remains underdeveloped, poor and backward, peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region, and even of the world, will be seriously affected.
As a member of the international community, China cannot stand separate from the rest of the world, and its reform, opening-up and modernization drive all call for an international environment of lasting peace and strong relations of friendship and co-operation with other countries, whereas the world, likewise, needs China too, as a peaceful and prosperous world requires a stable and prosperous China……If China, a country with a quarter of the world's population, remains underdeveloped in prolonged poverty and backwardness, peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region and of the world at large will certainly be seriously affected.
The traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, a festival with the custom of eating glutinous rice dumplings and holding dragon boat races which is said to honor and commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who lived in the period of the Warring States.
In the picture two beautifully decorated dragon boats are competing, with banners of the Taoist Eight Diagrams fluttering in the wind. At the prow of the first boat stand the two celestial gods of wealth“Zhao Cai”and“Li Shi”,which mean“Inexhaustible Earnings”and“Profitable Markets”respectively in Chinese, while at the stern is a banner with words reading“Plain Sailing and Good Luck”.Under the banner stands the God of Wind, with the two gods, Peace and Harmony, riding on clouds nearby.Waving a“Big Money Made Daily”flag on top of the boat is a boy, who seems to be giving orders for the oarsmen to strive for the first place.This print, full of jubilance and excitement, symbolizes a propitious and prosperous year.
(Taohuawu Wood-block New Year Prints, Suzhou)
注意下面这段英文(选自Dictionary of Modern Culture)中的粗体词,看它们在谋求形合时所起的衔接作用:
Eisenstein was born into the family of a city architect in Riga, and spent his childhood there and in St. Petersburg before studying architecture and engineering at the Petrograd School of Public Works.In 1918 he enlisted in the Red Army, where he produced posters and theatre designs.After the Civil War, he moved to Moscow to study Japanese, but was diverted into the theatre after a chance encounter with a childhood friend, Maxim Strach.It was in his theatrical work between 1920 and 1924 that Eisenstein was exposed to a range of Modernist experiments in dramaturgy that were to lead him in the direction of the cinema.
The pavilion was round in shape, about thirty yards in diameter. Although it was an open-air structure with a conical roof, the underside of which was strung with clear Christmas lights, the pitched ceiling trapped the noise inside, making the din incredible.
The point that I am anxious to make is that the search for model of this kind, the study of their behaviour and of the relationship of this behaviour to the real situations which they seek to represent, and the consequential modification of them so as to lead to reliable prediction and then to decision-making, would not be possible were it not for the assistance afforded to the investigator by the digital computer and by the work of the technologists who have successfully transformed the scientific idea on which it is founded into stable, reliable and economic pieces of electrical equipment.
Working on the principle that a first, an only or an unusual skill do not necessarily make a record, Guinness editors spend much of their time checking and analyzing data.
History will never forget the elegance of Wang Anshi, the great statesman, man of the letters, and poet, and the many stories handed down from generation to generation still telling about his life as a prime minister and as an ordinary man.
例1 The international currency markets the Nikkei and the Nasdaq never close.This is liquid-crystal globalism, virtual, instantaneous, and networked.
分析:第二句中liquid-crystal globalism的意思是液晶显示的全球化,后面相当于which is virtual, instantaneous, and networked。翻译时进行适当调整,译文就会比较符合汉语的习惯。
例2 Extracting pure water from the salt solution can be done in a number of ways.One is done by distillation, which involves heating the solution until the water evaporates, and then condensing the vapor.Extracting can also be done by partially freezing the salt solution.When this is done, the water freezes first, leaving the salts in the remaining unfrozen solution.
例3 再请看Closing Time中的一个有116个词的长句,注意其中的粗体词在形合中所起的衔接作用:
Early every weekday morning, all of the fathers on the block, and all of the brothers and sisters already out of school, would begin materializing soundlessly from their buildings and turn toward the stop of the Norton's Point trolley cars on Railroad Avenue that would take them to the elevated Stillwell Avenue terminus of the four separate subway lines, following different routes, that ended in Coney Island, to the subway cars that would then transport them into the city to their various places of work or, as with me when I was just seventeen and a half with my high school diploma, to the succession of employment agencies in Manhattan in timorous search of a job.
例4 再看一个选自小说China Lake的结构略为复杂的长句。在中译本《“响尾蛇”疑云》中,该文段的链接词都不见了:
Of course, this was a way of including Tannis as well, of keeping him on side, and by way of reward, he was then given an informal briefing on events-so-far during which he was told that the FBI's legal attache in Bonn—known in their jargon as a Legat—had established that Buhler's identity was apparently genuine and that he'd legally crossed into West Berlin about six months previously.
例5 在小说Devil May Care(《007归来》)中,有这样一个句子:
The caviar was brought in a casket, whose lid was taken off to reveal an inner glass bowl set on ice.
例6 下面这句话是余秋雨写的:
译文:In an instant, the ox began to take big strides.The people who came to see him off stopped at the gate.When he was two to three zhang away, his white hair, yellow robe, the black ox and the white bag were still visible.But soon, rising dust gradually enveloped him and his ox and turned them into grey figures.What they saw next was mere dust, nothing of them could be seen any more.
例1 As the weather was fine, we decided to climb the mountain.
例2 He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill.
She was an attractive young woman, he thought, though not so very young—thirty-seven or eight. A well-rounded figure, dark hair and eyes, a general air of vitality and good health.She gave the impression of being both competent and intelligent.(Ordeal by Innocence)
例1 Think carefully before you answer his question.
例2 Be careful while crossing the street.
例3 His car broke down when he was only half way home.
例4 Eczema may be found in all age groups and in both sexes.
例5 The rain was so heavy that when we got home we were literally wet
例6 Einstein's theory of relativity is so abstruse that very few people can appreciate it.
例7 The car sped passed before I could see clearly who was inside.
例8 He didn't come home that night until 11.
例1 You sweep the floor and I'll clean the windows.
例2 Cease to struggle and you cease to live.
例3 The pursuit of science withdraws his interest from external things.
例4 Light burdens borne far, become heavy.
例5 The weather was overcast, visibility five miles, a fine day to dive beneath the ice.
例6 Hands locked behind his back, Sorokin paced along the line of sailors.
在例6中,Hands locked behind his back是名词独立结构,相当于with his hands behind his back。
Out of sight, out of mind.
First come, first served.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Give a dog a bad name and hang it.
Like father, like son.
Love me, love my dog.
More haste, less speed.
Nothing venture, nothing have.
No pains, no gains.
Waste not, want not.
译文1:Zijuan was answering and hurried out to change a spittoon and put the spittoon in her hand on the table and opened the door of inner-room to go out, still closed it, let down the flowered portiere and go to wake Xueyan.
译文2:Zijuan, assenting, hurried out to fetch a clean spittoon, placing the used one on the table in the outer room.Having closed the door behind her, she let down the sort flowered portiere before going to wake Xueyan.
3.下面这段介绍中国长城的文字选自英文版《读者文摘》(Reader's Digest),其中使用了许多英语的动词非谓语形式。你是否能按照汉语注重意合的要求,把文字译得活泼一些:
The Great Wall of China, stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Gobi Desert, is one of man's most amazing engineering feats. It snakes, loops and doubles back on itself, meandering across plains and valleys, scaling mountains, plunging into deep gorges and leaping raging rivers, for 3,700 miles.If straightened out it would span the United States from New York to San Francisco, and back to Salt Lake City……Still standing are many of the 25,000 towers,40 feet high, that sheltered troops.In the Wall's heyday, an army of perhaps a million men were stationed in those towers to guard this mighty wall.Relaying smoke signals by day and flares by night from one watch-tower to another, the soldiers could transmit a message across the empire in 24 hours.
Later in the evening Gemma slipped out on to the terrace under the drawing-room windows to sit alone for a few moments among the great camellias and oleanders. The close air and continually shifting crowd in the rooms were beginning to give her a headache.At the further end of the terrace stood a row of palms and tree-ferns, planted in large tubs which were hidden by a bank of lilies and other flowering plants.The whole formed a complete screen, behind which was a little nook commanding a beautiful view out across the valley.The branches of a pomegranate tree, clustered with late blossoms, hung beside the narrow opening between the plants.
(The Gadfly)