F-1 StatusF-1身份(美)
Person in the U.S.who is enrolled in full-time university studies.指在美国大学进行全日制学习的人员。
facial image面部图像
Facial image is also known as full frontal image. It refers to a portrait of the holder of the MRTD produced in accordance with the specifications established in Doc 9303. 面部图像也称完整面部图像,指根据第9303号文件中制定的规范而制作的机读旅行证件的持有人的肖像。
An alien from whom it is not possible to obtain fingerprints due to anatomical or physiological changes or due to health disabilities with the fingers on his/her hands,is issued a foreigner passport containing a data chip with biometric data only on the alien's facial image.In these cases,the data chip will also include information on the impossibility of obtaining fingerprints.A foreigner passport is issued within a timeframe of 30 days as of the date the application is submitted and the same periods of validity as those specified in Subsection(1)above are applicable.由于结构或生理变化,或由于手指残疾而未能获取指纹的外国人,可以签发含有该人员面部图像的生物数据芯片的护照。这种情况下,数据芯片还包括无法取得指纹的信息。自递交申请起30天内,以及第(1)款规定的相同有效期内,给外国人签发护照。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第113(2)条)
To make easier or less difficult使便利或降低难度。
The master of a vessel shall do all things reasonably required by an officer to facilitate the boarding of the vessel under this section and the performance by the officer of duties for the purposes of this Act.依据本条规定,船长应当做好官员要求的所有事情,以便利登船,并方便该官员履行本法规定的职责。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第247(7)条)
The captain of the vessel shall facilitate the interviewing of any particular crew member,or members,or any particular passenger or passengers,should an Immigration officer inspecting pursuant to subsection(a)require it.移民官员依据(a)款例行检查时,如果需要,船长应该协助官员以便于其讯问船上的特定成员或全体成员或特别乘客或全体乘客。(马尔代夫2007年移民法第24(b)条)
facilitated migration易化移徙;简化移徙
Fostering or encouraging of legitimate migration by making travel easier and more convenient.Facilitation can include any number of measures,such as a streamlined visa application process,or efficient and well staffed passenger inspection procedures.通过使旅行变得更容易和更方便的方式,促进和鼓励合法移徙。易化可包括很多措施,例如提高签证申请程序效率、提供高效的、人员充足的旅客检查程序。
In asylum context,facilities refer to services and space and equipment provided for those asylum seekers.庇护背景下,设施指为庇护寻求者提供的服务、空间及设备。
Facilities means accommodation,facilities,equipment and services of a class or description specified in an order made by the Secretary of State.设施指膳宿、设备、装备及此类服务或国务大臣下达命令中指定的相关描述。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第25(7)条)
An image archiving system to be established at national level to combat illegal immigration and organised crime,this database will facilitate the exchange of information between Member States on genuine and false documents.为打击非法移民和有组织犯罪而建立的国家级的图像归档系统,该数据库将促进会员国之间有关真伪证件的信息交流。
failed asylum seeker庇护寻求失败者
(sometimes known as “end of process” asylum seeker)Someone whose asylum application has been turned down and is awaiting return to their country.(有时还称之为“程序终结庇护寻求者”)指庇护申请遭到拒绝且等待返回其祖国的人员。
fair trial公正审判
A trial by a court or tribunal following both institutional rules(requiring an impartial and disinterested tribunal established by law)and procedural rights(i.e.,to confrontation,to a public trial,to a prompt trial,to avoid self-incrimination in a criminal case,to have the decisions published,and to avoid double jeopardy).Under the law,everyone is entitled to a fair trial.依据法律规定(需要根据法律建立公正的、客观的法庭)及程序权利(即对质、公开审理、快速审判、避免刑事案件中的自证其罪、公开判决及避免双重危境)由法院或法庭组织的审判。根据法律规定,任何人都应受到公正审判。相关词语 due process(合法程序),judgment(判决)
1.Something that is not what it purports to be;2.to make or construct falsely.1.非声称的物品;2.伪造或篡改。
Untrue or designedly incorrect and intended to deceive.不真实的或错误的并意在欺骗而设计的。
A foreigner may be expelled in accordance with sub-section 1 in particular if he or she has furnished false or incomplete information in procedures under the terms of this Act or to obtain a standard visa in accordance with the Convention Implementing the Schengen Agree-ment for the purpose of obtaining a residence title or,notwithstanding a prevailing legal obligation,has failed to cooperate in measures undertaken by the authorities responsible for implementing this Act in Germany and abroad,whereby expulsion on this basis shall only be permissible if the foreigner is expressly informed prior to the interview of the legal consequences of furnishing false or incomplete information 如果存在以下情况,根据第(1)款的规定外国人可被驱逐:依据本法条款,在审核中提供了错误的或不完整信息以居留为目的而获得《申根协议》规定的统一签证,或尽管有通行法律义务的规定,其未能遵守德国以及境外负责实施本法的机构采取的措施,如果该外国人提供错误的或不完整信息的法律后果,在审查前明确被告知,则会受到驱逐。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第55(2)1条)
The foreign national has submitted forged or altered materials or false materials,made false statements,or had persons concerned make false statements,with the intention of being recognized as a refugee.外国人为了取得难民身份,提供伪造的或改动的或虚假的材料,作虚假陈述或者让相关人员作虚假陈述。(日本1951年移民控制及难民认定法第61-2-5(iv)条)
A person commits an offence if he—
(a)makes a false registration card,(b)alters a registration card with intent to deceive or to enable another to deceive,(c)has a false or altered registration card in his possession without reasonable excuse,(d)uses or attempts to use a false registration card for a purpose for which a registration card is issued,(e)uses or attempts to use an altered registration card with intent to deceive.
false acceptance错误接受
As regards to document check,it means when a biometric system incorrectly identifies an individual or incorrectly verifies an impostor against a claimed identity.有关证件检查,指生物特征系统错误地识别了某人或者错误地根据所声称的身份验证了某位冒充者。
false acceptance rate/FAR错误接受率/FAR
The probability that a biometric system will incorrectly identify an individual or will fail to reject an impostor.The rate given normally assumes passive impostor attempts.The false acceptance rate may be estimated as FAR = NFA /NIIA or FAR = NFA /NIVA where FAR is the false acceptance rate,NFA is the number of false acceptances,NIIA is the number of impostor identification attempts,and NIVA is the number of impostor verification attempts.生物特征系统错误识别某人或者未能拒绝一个冒充者的概率。给定的比率通常采用被动冒充者的尝试次数。错误接受率可被估计为FAR = NFA /NIIA 或者 FAR = NFA /NIVA,其中FAR 表示错误接受率,NFA 表示错误接受的次数,NIIA 表示冒充者企图通过识别的次数,NIVA 表示冒充者企图通过验证的次数。
false and falsified documents伪造的证件
A forged document which the holder intends to get permission of entry into another country.持证人希望能够获得入境他国的伪造证件。
false information失实资料;虚假资料;错误信息
Untrue information intended to deceive.意在欺骗的不真实信息。
He(a person)may be examined by an immigration officer for the purpose of establi-shing whether that leave was obtained as a result of false information given by him or his failure to disclose material facts.移民官员可以对因提供错误信息或未能公开重要事实而获得居留的人员进行审查。(英国1999年移民与庇护法第57条)
false match rate错误匹配率
Alternative to “false acceptance rate”;used to avoid confusion in applications that reject the claimant if his biometric data matches that of an enrollee.In such applications,the concepts of acceptance and rejection are reversed,thus reversing the meaning of “false acceptance” and “false rejection”.“错误接受率”的替代形式;用以避免当声称者的生物特征数据同登记者的数据不匹配反而被接受时出现的混淆。在这种应用中,接受和拒绝这两个概念被颠倒了。因此,就颠倒了“错误接受”和“错误拒绝”的意思。 false non-match rate错误不匹配率
Alternative to “false rejection rate”;used to avoid confusion in applications that reject the claimant if his biometric data matches that of an enrollee.In such applications,the concepts of acceptance and rejection are reversed,thus reversing the meaning of “false acceptance” and “false rejection”.“错误拒绝率”的替代形式;用以避免当声称者的生物特征数据同登录者的数据相匹配时反而被拒绝的应用时混乱的情况。在这种应用中,接受和拒绝的概念被颠倒,从而颠倒了“错误接受”和“错误拒绝”的含义。
false rejection错误拒绝
When a biometric system fails to identify an enrollee or fails to verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrollee.生物特征系统未能识别出某个登录者或者未能验证登录者声称的合法身份。
False rejection rate/FRR错误拒绝率/FRR
The probability that a biometric system will fail to identify an enrollee or verify the legitimate claimed identity of an enrollee.The false rejection rate may be estimated as follows:FRR =NFR /NEIA or FRR = NFR /NEVA where FRR is the false rejection rate,NFR is the number of false rejections,NEIA is the number of enrollee identification attempts,and NEVA is the number of enrollee verification attempts.This estimate assumes that the enrollee identification/verification attempts are representative of those for the whole population of enrollees.The false rejection rate normally excludes “failure to acquire” errors.生物特征系统未能识别登录者或者验证登录者声称的合法身份的概率。错误拒绝率可被估计为:FRR = NFR /NEIA 或者FRR = NFR /NEVA,其中FRR 表示错误拒绝率,NFR 表示错误拒绝的次数,NEIA 表示登录者试图通过识别的次数,NEVA 表示登录者试图通过认证的次数。这种估计采用登录者试图通过识别或验证的次数代表所有的登录者试图通过识别或验证的次数。错误拒绝率通常排除“获取失败”的差错。
false representation虚假陈述
The act of making false or misleading assertion about something,usually with the intent to deceive.对某事所作的带有虚假或误导的陈述,通常带有欺骗目的。相关词语 misrep-resentation(虚假陈述),false statement(虚假陈述),fraudulent misrepresentation(欺诈性错误陈述)
The Secretary of State may by order deprive a person of a citizenship status which results from his registration or naturalisation if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the registration or naturalization was obtained by means of-(a)fraud,(b)false representation,or(c)concealment of a material fact.如果内政大臣认为某人的注册或入籍归化是通过下列手段而得到的,内政大臣应下令剥夺该人的公民身份—(a)欺骗,(b)虚假陈述,(c)隐瞒重要事实。(英国2002年国籍移民与庇护法第4条)
false statement虚假陈述;虚假声明
An untrue statement knowingly made with the intent to mislead.旨在误导而故意作出的不真实的陈述。
Every person is guilty of an offence who(a)being an officer or an employee of the Government of Canada,knowingly makes or issues any false document or statement,or accepts or agrees to accept a bribe or other benefit,in respect of any matter under this Act or knowingly fails to perform their duties under this Act.下列行为视为犯罪行为:(a)作为加拿大政府官员或雇员,故意制造或签发任何虚假证件或陈述,接受或同意接受贿赂或与本法有关任何事项的其他好处或故意不履行本法的职责行为。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第129(1)(a)条)
Fake passport or visa:
1.No one shall lie his name,age,nationality or any other thing,make a false statement or use,or cause to be used,a fake passport or visa.
falsely making/make制假;伪作
1.The act of fraudulently making a false document or altering a real one to be used as if genuine.2.A false or altered document made to look genuine by someone with the intent to deceive.1.制作虚假证件或涂改原证件作为真的使用的欺诈行为。2.意在欺骗的假的或涂改的证件。
Falsely make means to prepare or provide an application or document,with knowledge or in reckless disregard of the fact that the application or document contains a false,fictitious,or fraudulent statement or material representation,or has no basis in law or fact,or otherwise fails to state a fact which is material to the purpose for which it was submitted.“伪作”是指筹备或提供一个申请或文件。这一行为在明知或无视以下事实的基础上作出,即申请或文件中载有虚假、虚构或欺诈性的陈述或没有法律依据或没有陈述与该申请或文件提交的目的关系重大的事实。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第1324c(f)条)
To make something false;to counterfeit or forge.使…为虚假的;篡改;伪造。
The necessary measures should be undertaken in order to establish and document the foreigner's identity if the foreigner intends to enter or has entered the Federal territory with a forged passport or falsified passport or passport substitute.如果外国人持有伪造护照或篡改护照或护照替代物打算入境或已经入境联邦领土,则应采取必要措施以确定并记录该人员的身份。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第49(5).1条)
Any natural or juristic person or a partnership,who—
(b)without sufficient cause has in his,\〖or\〗 her or its possession—
(i)any stamp or other instrument which is used or capable of being used for purposes of fabricating or falsifying or unlawfully recording on any document any endorsement under this Act or required to be submitted in terms of this Act.
family amnesty家庭大赦(英)
The Family ILR Exercise announced by the Home Secretary on 24 October 2003 allowed certain asylum seeking families in the UK to stay.The main applicant of the family unit must have applied for asylum before 2 October 2000 and must have had at least one dependant child under 18(other than a spouse or civil partner)in the UK on 2 October 2000 or 24 October 2003.2003年10月24日英国内政部宣布了无限期居留政策,允许寻求庇护的家庭在英停留。家庭单位的主要申请人必须在2000年10月2日前提出庇护申请,且必须在2000年10月2日前或2003年10月24日前在英至少有一名18岁以下的受抚养子女(而不是配偶或世俗伙伴)。
In many countries,there are different provisions for those family members to migrate to the country where his/her family stay.In America,this is one of the six legal immigrant categories,family-based immigrants are:1)married or unmarried adult children of U.S.citizens,2)spouses and unmarried children of legal immigrants,or 3)siblings of U.S.citizens.许多国家都有不同的家庭成员移民规定。在美国,基于家庭的移民是六种合法移民之一,基于家庭移民的有:1)美国公民的已婚或未婚成年子女,2)合法移民的配偶及未婚子女,或3)美国公民的兄弟姐妹。
family-based immigration家庭为基础的移民;家庭移民(美)
Applying for a green card based on a family relationship with a U.S.citizen or permanent resident.Family-based immigration is divided into categories based on the type of family relationship.The two main categories are “immediate relatives” and “preference relatives”. Preference relatives,in turn,are divided into four sub-categories.基于与美国公民或永久居民有家庭关系而申请绿卡的情况。以家庭为基础的移民按家庭关系可分为不同类别。主要有“直系亲属”及“优先亲属”两类。优先亲属又可分为四个小类别。相关词语:green card(绿卡),family first preference(第一优先类亲属),family second preference(第二优先类亲属),family third preference(第三优先类亲属),family fourth preference(第四优先类亲属),immediate relative(直系亲属)
family-based settlers家庭为基础的定居者
Foreigners selected for long-term settlement because of the family ties they have with citizens or foreigners already residing in the receiving country.由于与已在接受国定居的公民或外国人有家庭关系而被选定长期居留的外国人。
family-based visa家庭为基础的签证(美)
An immigrant visa available to an individual because one or more members of his or her immediate family is either a U.S.citizen(parent,adult child,spouse,or sibling)or a lawful permanent resident(parent or spouse).The citizen or LPR relative must file a visa petition on behalf of the person seeking to immigrate,and once a visa is available the person seeking the visa must file a visa application.家庭直系亲属中一人或多人为美国公民(父母、成年子女、配偶或兄弟姐妹)或合法永久居民(父母或配偶)的人员可获得的移民签证。该公民或永久居民的亲属必须代表意欲移民的人员提出签证申领,而一旦获得签证,请求签证的人员还必须提出签证申请。
family class家庭类别(加拿大)
A foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse,common-law partner,child,parent or other prescribed family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.外国国民与加拿大公民或永久居民存在下列关系,可被选为家庭成员类别:配偶、事实婚伴侣、子女、父母或其他规定的家庭成员关系。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第12(1)条)
family first preference第一优先类亲属(美)
Family first preference is the track bywhich an American citizen may obtain a LPR visa for their foreign national unmarried children over the age of 21.家庭第一优先是美国公民为其国外21岁以上未婚子女获得落地永久居留(LPR)签证的一种途径。
family fourth preference第四优先类亲属(美)
Family fourth preference is the track by which an American citizen may obtain a LPR visa for their foreign national siblings,their spouses and children.美国公民为其国外兄弟姐妹、兄弟姐妹的配偶及子女获取落地永久居留(LPR)签证的一种方法。
family head户主
For migration purposes,the family head is generally the person who is most likely to meet the primary legal criteria for the grant of a Partner Visa.对移徙而言,户主指符合主要法律标准而被授予伴侣签证的人员。
family immigration家庭移民
See family migration.见家庭移徙。
The term “family immigration” means arrival in the Republic of Kazakhstan of a family member(-s)for a purpose of reunification with the family members already residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan.家庭移民指家庭成员到达哈萨克斯坦共和国,目的为与在哈萨克斯坦居住的家庭成员团聚。(哈萨克斯坦人口移徙法2002年修订第2(13)条)
family income家庭收入
There are regulations for those who want to migrate to other countries about their yearly income.The income must be satisfied with a certain criteria of the country the person wants to migrate and is different from one another.对于想移民他国的人员来讲对其年收入有一定的要求。收入必须符合其想移民国家的规定,而且每个国家的标准不同。
family members(or family reunion /family reunification migrants)家庭成员(家庭团聚/移民家庭重聚)
See members of the family.见家庭成员。
When submitting an application for a transit visa,a family member of a European Union citizen is obliged(required)to only submit a travel document,a document confirming that he/she is a family member of a European Union citizen,and a photograph.在递交过境签证申请时,欧盟公民的家庭成员只需递交旅行证件,能够证明其为欧盟公民家庭成员的证件及照片即可。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第23(3)条)
For the purposes of the Act,other than section 12 and paragraph 38(2)(d),and these Regulations,family member in respect of a person means...the spouse or common-law partner of the person;a dependent child of the person or of the person's spouse or common-law partner;and a dependent child of a dependent child referred to in paragraph(b).本法规定,而非第12条、第38(2)(d)及此类规定,家庭成员指……该人员的配偶或事实婚姻伴侣;该人员的受抚养子女或其配偶或事实婚伴侣;及(b)款中所指的受抚养子女的抚养子女。(加拿大2009年移民与难民保护条例第1(3)条)
Family member:A spouse or an unmarried under-age child,including adopted and step children(nuclear family),whereas the spouses,except spouses of Austrian nationals,EEA nationals and Swiss nationals must have reached 18 years of age.In the event of a polygamous marriage,where the sponsor already has a spouse living with him in the federal territory,the issue of a residence title to a further spouse will not be authorized.家庭成员指配偶或未成年的未婚子女,包括领养以及继子女(核心家庭),除奥地利国民、欧盟经济区国民以及瑞士国民外的配偶必须达到18岁;对于多配偶婚姻,若赞助人已有在联邦境内与其同居的配偶,不应再授予另一配偶居留身份。(奥地利2006年定居与居留法第2(1)条)
Family member shall mean—unless otherwise provided for in this Act — the spouse,dep-endant offspring,adopted or foster child of the foreigner,the child of his/her spouse,in case of minors the parent and the dependant and the ascendant of the foreigner and his/her spouse.家庭成员应指——除非本法有其他规定—配偶、受抚养的后代、该外国人的收养或领养子女、配偶的子女,就未成年人而言,指父母、该外国人以及其配偶的受抚养人以及其配偶。(匈牙利2001年外国人入境与居留法第2(1)(e)条)
family migration家庭移徙
A general concept covering family reunification and the migration of a family unit as a whole.一个较为普遍的概念,包括家庭团聚、家庭整体移民。
Family migration-arrival of a group of relatives into the Republic of Tajikistan for temporary or permanent residence.家庭移徙指——亲属抵达塔吉克斯坦共和国暂时或永久居留。(塔吉克斯坦移徙法第1条)
family name姓氏
The part of one's name that shows which family she or he belongs to. 姓名中指示其家庭归属的部分。
The full name of the holder,as identified by the issuing State or organization.The name shall be divided where possible by the issuing State or organization into two parts,the first representing that portion of the name that the issuing State or organization defines as the “primary identifier” for the holder(e.g.surname,maiden name plus married name,family name)and the second representing all remaining components(e.g.given names,initials)of the holder's name,which the issuing State or organization considers as collectively representing a “secondary iden-tifier”.The two parts,i.e.primary and secondary identifiers,once integrated,constitute the name of the passport holder.Where the issuing State or organization determines that the holder's name cannot be divided into the required two parts, as defined above, the full name of the holder shall be defined as the primary identifier.由签发国或机构确认的持证人的全名。在有可能时,签发国或机构须将姓名分为两部分,第一部分代表被签发国或机构定义为持证人的“主要标识符”的姓名的那一部分(例如姓、婚前姓加婚后名、姓);第二部分代表持证人姓名所有剩余的部分(例如教名、首字母),签发国或机构把这部分统一看做是“辅助标识符”。主要标识符和辅助标识符这两部分结合到一起构成持证人的姓名。如果签发国或机构确定持证人的姓名不能分成上述所需要的两部分,持证人全名须被定义为主要标识符。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部第四节第8.6条)
A foreign national applying for naturalization may concurrently request(a)to use his or her own or his or her ascendants' former Hungarian family name received at birth;(b)to waive one or more components of his or her family name received at birth,or suffixes or components that refer to gender of his or her name received at birth or his or her married name;(c)to use the Hungarian equivalent of his or her first name.申请入籍的外国人现在可以要求:(a)使用其自己的姓氏或其出生时祖先传下来的原来的匈牙利姓氏;(b)放弃出生时获得的姓氏中的某个或某些部分,或者出生时获得的名字中指代性别的后缀或部分,或者婚后名中指代性别的后缀或部分;(c)使用匈牙利语中与其名字相对应的词。(匈牙利1993年公民身份法第20(1)条)
family passport家庭护照
Issued to an entire family.There is one passport holder,who may travel alone or with other family members included in the passport.A family member who is not the passport holder cannot use the passport for travel without the passport holder.颁发给整个家庭的护照。家庭护照只有一个持有人,持有人可以独自旅行,或与护照中包括的其他家庭成员一起旅行。非护照持有人的家庭成员无护照持有人同行不得使用此护照旅行。
family reunification/reunion家庭团聚
Process whereby family members already separated through forced or voluntary migration regroup in a country other than the one of their origin.It implies certain degree of State discretion over admission.由于被迫或自愿的移徙而分离的家庭成员,在非其原籍国的国家重新团聚在一起的过程。它意味着国家在准入问题上有某种程度的决断权。相关词语dependants(受抚养者),family unity(家庭统一),family migration(家庭移民)
Reunification of the family:entry into the Republic of Belarus for permanent residence beyond the established immigration quota,of a spouse,minor children,or other children who have not been married,at the invitation,respectively,of the spouse,parents who are citizens of the Republic of Belarus or immigrants.家庭团聚指以永久居留为目的入境白俄罗斯共和国,在确定的移民配额范围之外的配偶、未成年子女或在邀请时,分别包括配偶的未婚的其他子女、白俄罗斯公民的父母或移民的父母。(白俄罗斯1998年移民法第3条)
In accordance with the obligation of States Parties under article 9,paragraph 1,applications by a child or his or her parents to enter or leave a State Party for the purpose of family reunification shall be dealt with by States Parties in a positive,humane and expeditious manner.States Parties shall further ensure that the submission of such a request shall entail no adverse consequences for the applicants and for the members of their family.按照第9条第1款所规定的缔约国的义务,对于儿童或其父母要求进入或离开一缔约国以便与家人团聚的申请,缔约国应以积极的人道主义态度迅速予以办理。缔约国还应确保申请人及其家庭成员不致因提出这类请求而承受不利后果。(儿童权利公约第10(1)条)
After staying in the Territory for a period of 5 years,an alien older than 18 years of age who was granted a long-term residence permit for the purpose of family reunification has the right to submit an application to the Police for a long-term residence permit for other purposes.在捷克境内居留5年后,因家庭团聚而被授予长期居留许可的18岁以上的外国人有权向警察局递交其他目的的长期居留许可申请。(捷克1999年外国人居留法2006年修订第45(3)条)
family reunion criterion家人团聚规定
See family unity principle.见家庭统一原则。
family second preference第二优先类亲属(美)
Family second preference is the track by which an LPR may obtain a LPR visa for their foreign national spouse and children under 21;and unmarried children over the age of 21.这是落地永久居留人员(LPR)为其国外配偶及21岁以下子女以及21岁以上未婚子女获得落地永久居留(LPR)签证的一种途径。
family third preference第三优先类亲属(美)
Family third preference is the track by which an American citizen may obtain a LPR visa for their foreign national married children over the age of 21.美国公民为其国外21岁以上已婚子女取得落地永久居留(LPR)签证的一种方法。
family ties家庭关系
Ties between family members that bring them together.把家庭成员凝聚在一起的成员间的关系。
An alien shall be refused entry as soon as it has been possible to ascertain that his entry into or residence in Finland cannot be permitted.All the relevant matters and circumstances shall have to be taken into account in their entirety when considering the refusal of entry.These include at least the duration of his stay in Finland,the relationship between a child and a parent,family ties and other ties to Finland.在确定外国人入境或在芬兰居留未获批准时,应拒绝其入境。在拒绝其入境时,应全面考虑相关事宜与情况。这至少包括他在芬兰居留的时间、子/女与父/母的关系、家庭关系及其他与芬兰的关系。(芬兰外国人法2001年修订第38条)
family unity,right to家庭统一,权利
A family's right to live together and,as a fundamental unit of a society,to receive respect,protection,assistance and support.This right is not limited to nationals living in their own State and is protected by international law(e.g.Art.16,Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948;Art.8,European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,1950;Art.16,European Social Charter,1961;Art.17 and 23,International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966;Art.1,International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,1966;Art.17,American Convention on Human Rights,1969).家庭成员生活在一起的权利。家庭作为社会的基本单位,获得尊重、保护、帮助和支持的权利。此项权利不局限于生活在本国的国民,而且受国际法保护(例如,《1948年世界人权宣言》第16条;《1950年欧洲保护人权和基本自由公约》第8条;《1961年欧洲社会宪章》第16条;《1966年公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第17、23条;《1966年经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》第1条;《1969年美洲人权公约》第17条)。
The provisions of paragraphs(4),(5),and(7)(A)of section 212(a)shall not be applicable to any alien seeking adjustment of status under this section,and the Attorney General may waive any other provision of such section(other than paragraph(2)(C)or subparagraph(A),(B),(C),or(E)of paragraph(3))with respect to such an alien for humanitarian purposes,to assure family unity,or when it is otherwise in the public interest.212(a)条第(4)、第(5)和第(7)款之(A)将不适用于任何依据本条申请身份调整的外国人。就此类外国人而言,出于人道主义目的,为保证家庭团聚或当该人员在其他方面符合公共利益时,司法部长可以免除本条中规定的其他要求(除了(2)(C)款或(3)款中(A)、(B)、(C)和(E)分款规定)。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第209(c)条)
As a rule,the foreigner shall be granted a settlement permit if he or she has been in possession of a residence permit for three years,the family unity with the German continues to exist in the Federal territory,there are no grounds for expulsion and the foreigner is able to communicate verbally in the German language on a basic level.The residence permit shall otherwise be extended as long as the family unity continues to exist.通常来说,若外国人持居留许可证三年,在联邦领土内与德国人维持家庭统一关系,无驱逐理由并且能够用简单的德语进行口头交流,可授予永久居留许可。此外,只要家庭关系存在,居留许可证继续有效。(德国居留法第28节第(2)条)
family unity principle家庭统一原则
A principle that gives effect to the protection of the family as the natural and fundamental group unit of society,as described in Art 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Under this principle,refugee status may be granted to the spouse and dependents of a person who meets the refugee criteria.When spouses and dependents acquire refugee status by application of the family unity principle,they are said to enjoy “derivative status”.家庭作为自然以及基本的社会团体单位,依照《人权宣言》第16条的规定赋予家庭得到保护的原则。依据这一原则,可授予符合难民准则的配偶及受抚养人难民身份。在配偶、受抚养人遵照家庭统一原则申请获得难民身份后,即可拥有“衍生身份”。
fast track procedure快速解决程序(英)
The fast track procedure is used to determine asylum applications from people who the UKBA assesses to be “suitable”.Applicants in the detained fast track are held at an Immigration Removal Centre and the initial decision on their case and any appeals happen at a faster pace than in the community.A case is considered suitable for the fast track process where it appears to the UKBA that the asylum claim can be decided “quickly”.快速解决程序是用来确定被英国边境署评价为适合的人群的庇护申请。由于快速解决的申请人被扣留在移民遣送中心,有关其案件的最初决定及任何上诉都要比在社区中进行得快。在英国边境署看来,适合快速解决程序的案件可以使庇护申请“快速”得到解决。
Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局(美)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is a governmental agency belonging to the United States Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency.The bureau was established in 1908.Its main goal is to protect and defend the United States,to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States.联邦调查局是美国司法部下属的政府机构,是联邦刑事调查机构与国内情报机构。该机构成立于1908年。其主要职责是保护、捍卫美国,维护并实施美国刑法。
The Department of State shall submit records of such fingerprints to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in order to ascertain whether such applicants previously have been convicted of a felony under State or Federal law in the United States,and shall pay all appropriate fees.国务院应将这些指纹记录提交给联邦调查局,以确定这些申请人是否在美国境内触犯州法或联邦法律被判重罪,而且应该支付所有相应的费用。(美国2010年移民与国籍法第1182(e)(1)条)
Federal Court联邦法院
Federal court refers to a court of the national government in a country that has a federal system of government.在联邦制度的国家,指国家法院。
Federal Court means the Federal Court of Australia.指澳大利亚联邦法院。(澳大利亚移民法第5条)
Subject to subsection(2)and to sections 67 and 68,a citizen shall not be entitled to enter an East Malaysian State without having obtained a Permit or Pass in that behalf unless—He is a judge of the Federal Court or of the High Court in Sabah and Sarawak,or is a person designated or nominated to act as such,or he is a member of any Commission or Council established by the Federal Constitution or by the Constitution of the East Malaysian State.根据第(2)款及第67、68条规定,公民若未获得许可证或通行证,则不得入境,除非为以下情况——联邦法院或沙巴和沙捞越的高等法院的法官,或被指派或任命担当此类职位的人,或为联邦宪法或东马来西亚国家宪法规定的委员会或议会成员。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年第2章第66(1)(c)条)
Federal law enforcement agencies联邦法律执行机构
A Federal law enforcement agency refers to a government agency responsible for the enforcement of the laws.联邦执法机构指负责实施法律的政府机构。
“Federal law enforcement agencies” means the following:(A)The United States Secret Service;(B)The Drug Enforcement Administration;(C)The Federal Bureau of Investigation;(D)The Immigration and Naturalization Service;(E)The United States Marshall Service;(F)The Naval Criminal Investigative Service;(G)The Coast Guard;(H)The Diplomatic Security Service;(I)The United States Postal Inspection Service;(J)The Bureau of Alcohol,Tobacco,Firearms,and Explosives,Department of Justice;(K)The United States Customs Service;(L)The National Park Service.联邦执法机构指下列机构:(A)美国特勤处;(B)美国禁毒署;(C)联邦调查局;(D)移民归化局;(E)美国司法区执法局;(F)海军犯罪调查处;(G)美国海岸警卫队;(H)外交安全局;(I)联邦邮政检查局;(J)司法部烟酒枪支爆炸物管理局;(K)美国海关署;(L)美国国家公园管理局(美国法典第8部第1701(4)条)
Federal Register联邦公报(美)
A daily publication of the United States government containing,among other things, all proposed,interim,and final rules and regulations written by federal departments and agencies to interpret and implement federal statutes.Interim and final regulations that have been published in the Federal Register are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations.美国政府的每日出版物,包括由联邦各部门及机构解释以及执行联邦法律的所有提议的、临时的以及最终成文的法律法规。发布在联邦公报的临时及最终法规收录在联邦法规法典中。
Publication of determination — A determin-ation made by the Secretary under this clause shall be published in the Federal Register.决议的出版——部长依据本款作出的决定在联邦公报出版。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订(1)第219节第(4)(B)(iv)(III)条)
Publication of results of review—The Secretary shall publish any determination made pursuant to this subparagraph in the Federal Register.复议结果的出版——部长将会在联邦公报出版依据本款之规定作出的任何决定。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订(1)第219节第(4)(C)(iii)条)
federal skilled worker联邦技术工人(加拿大)
This category allows immigrants with skills and experience to gain permanent residency in Canada.Federal skilled workers are assessed on six selection criteria to determine their eligibility for permanent residence.该类型允许拥有技术及经验的移民获得在加拿大的永久居民身份。依据6种选择标准来确定联邦技术工人是否符合成为永久居民的条件。
federal skilled worker class联邦技术工人类别(加拿大)
For the purposes of subsection 12(2)of the Act,the federal skilled worker class is hereby prescribed as a class of persons who are skilled workers and who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada and who intend to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec.本法第12(2)条规定,联邦技术工人类别指有技术的且凭其能力在加拿大实现经济上独立而可能成为永久居民的人员,并有意在除魁北克以外的省份居住的人员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第75(1)条)
Interaction between the users and the producers of the intelligence product in order to assess the effectiveness of the intelligence product,identify gaps in intelligence,and maintain a focus on the needs of the users in terms of intelligence.就情报而言,用户与情报产品生产者之间的相互作用,目的是对情报产品的有效性进行评估,找出情报的漏洞,以用户的需求为中心。
Feira European Council费拉欧洲理事会
The European Council meeting at Feira in June 2000 in which Member States agreed priorities in relation to the external dimension(relations with countries and regions outside the EU)of justice and home affairs.2000年6月欧洲理事会在费拉举行,此次会上,各会员国商定了有关司法和内政事务的外部范围(指与欧盟以外的国家和地区的关系)的优先事项。
A serious crime,usually punishable by at least one year in prison.严重罪行,通常要至少在监狱服刑一年。相关词语 indictable offence(可诉罪行)
A foreigner shall be inadmissible into the Kingdom on grounds of serious criminality for:(a)having been convicted in the Kingdom of an offence of felony under the laws of the Kingdom.基于以下严重犯罪行为的外国人不得进入王国:(a)依据王国法律在不丹王国被控告犯有重罪的人。(不丹2007年移民法第61(a)条)
The alien must establish that he—
(i)is admissible to the United States as an immigrant,except as otherwise provided under subsection(d)(2)of this section,and(ii)has not been convicted of any felony or three or more misdemeanors committed in the United States.
female genital mutilation(FGM)女性割礼
The cutting of genital organs for non-medical reasons,usually performed at a young age.It can include partial or total cutting,removal of genitals and stitching for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons.出于非医用目的的割礼,对象通常为年轻人。因文化或非医疗原因,女性割礼可为部分的或全部割礼并缝合。
For purposes of this section,the term “female genital mutilation” means the removal or infibulation(or both)of the whole or part of the clitoris,the labia minora,or labia majora.本条规定,“女性割礼”是指摘除、缝合(或摘除再缝合)全部或部分阴蒂、小阴唇和大阴唇。(美国2010年外国人与国籍法第1374(c)(条)
Immigrant women and children are often targeted to be victims of crimes committed against them in the United States,including rape,torture,kidnaping,trafficking,incest,domestic violence,sexual assault,female geni-tal mutilation,forced prostitution,involuntary servitude,being held hostage or being criminally restrained.女性和儿童移民在美国经常成为实施针对妇女儿童犯罪行为的对象,包括强奸、虐待、绑架、贩卖、乱伦、家庭暴力、性侵害、女性割礼、强迫卖淫、强制劳役、被扣为人质或非法监禁。(美国2010年外国人与国籍法第1101条“保护包括针对女性犯罪受害者的犯罪受害者”部分第(a)(1)(A)条)
feminization of migration移徙女性化
The growing participation of women in migration.Women now move around more independently and no longer in relation to their family position or under a man's authority(roughly 48 percent of all migrants are women).Women are now more likely to migrate independently,rather than as members of a household,and they are actively involved in employment.指妇女越来越多地参与移徙活动。妇女现在更加独立地、不再因她们在家庭中的地位或受制于男人的权威而进行移徙(所有移民中大约48%为妇女)。女性不是作为家庭成员移徙而是愿意更加独立地移徙,且积极参与到就业中。
A man/woman who is engaged to be married.以结婚为目的的订婚男性/女性;未婚夫(妻)。
The Secretary of Homeland Security shall create a database for the purpose of tracking multiple visa petitions filed for fiance(e)s and spouses under clauses(i)and(ii)of section 1101(a)(15)(K)of this title.Upon approval of a second visa petition under section 1101(a)(15)(K)of this title for a fiance(e)or spouse filed by the same United States citizen petitioner,the petitioner shall be notified by the Secretary that information concerning the petitioner has been entered into the multiple visa petition tracking database.All subsequent fiance(e)or spouse nonimmigrant visa petitions filed by that petitioner under such section shall be entered in the database.根据本法第1101(a)(15)(K)条第(i)、(ii)款的规定,国土安全部部长将对未婚夫(妻)及配偶提出的多次签证申请情形创建数据库。根据本法第1101(a)(15)(K)条,由美国公民申请人为其未婚夫(妻)或配偶提出的二次签证申请一经批准,部长应通知申请人有关其本身的信息已经输入多次签证申请跟踪数据库中。根据本条规定,由该申请人提出的后续未婚夫妻或配偶的非移民签证也应输入至数据库中。(美国2010年外国人与国籍法第1184(r)(4)(A)条)
fiance visa未婚夫(妻)签证(美)
K-1 Fiance Visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows fiances who are engaged or contracted to be married to an American citizen to enter the US.The wedding ceremony must be held within a 90-day period from the date of entry.K-1签证,非移民签证的一种,可使未婚夫(妻)入境美国与订婚的或有婚约的美国人结婚。赴美国后需在90天内与该美国公民结婚。
Small,thread-like particles embedded in a substrate during manufacture.在制造过程中嵌入基材中的线状小颗粒。
To produce;a set of related records(either written or electronic)kept together.出示;相关的(书面或电子)记录。
Passport serial numbers may not be used in such a way that it is possible to retrieve personal data from databases or to link data files.护照序列号不能用于进行数据库检索个人数据或连接数据文件。(德国护照法案第16(4)条)
Visas made available under this Act shall be issued in the order in which an application is filed with the concerned authority.符合本法案的签证应先向相关机构提交申请,按程序签发。(不丹2007年移民法第92条)
Each Contracting Party shall designate a supervisory authority responsible in accordance with national law for carrying out independent supervision of the data file of the national section of the Schengen Information System and for checking that the processing and use of data entered in the Schengen Information System does not violate the rights of the data subject.For this purpose,the supervisory authority shall have access to the data file of the national section of the Schengen Information System.各缔约国应根据国家法指定监管机构,负责实施独立监督申根信息系统中国家部分的数据文件,并检查申根信息系统中已录入数据的处理与使用,以不违背数据主体的权利。为此,该监督机构可以访问申根信息系统国家部分的数据资料。(2000年申根协议第114.1条)
A person or entity adversely affected by a final order under this section may,within 45 days after the date the final order is issued,file a petition in the Court of Appeals for the appropriate circuit for review of the order.根据本条规定,受到最终决议不利影响的个人或实体可在最终决议签发之日起45天之内向相应的上诉法院呈交诉状,请求对该决议的复议。(美国2010年外国人与国籍法第1324c(d)(5)条)
final decision最终决议
See final judgement.见最终裁决。
Final decision means a decision on whether the third country national or stateless person be granted refugee status by virtue of Directive 2004/83/EC and which is no longer subject to a remedy within the framework of Chapter V of this Directive irrespective of whether such remedy has the effect of allowing applicants to remain in the Member States concerned pending its outcome,subject to Annex III to this Directive.指能够根据欧盟第2004/83号决定授予第三国国民或无国籍人员难民身份的决定。该决议不受限于本决定第五章框架下的救济方案,根据本决定附件III,不考虑该救济对申请人在有关成员国等待结果时居留的影响。(欧洲理事会决议第2005/85/EC号)
Asylum seeker shall mean any alien who has lodged an application for asylum within the meaning of this Convention and in respect of which a final decision has not yet been taken.庇护寻求者指申根协议所定义的提出庇护申请且有关最终决议尚未实施的任何人员。(2000年申根协议第1条)
From the moment the application for a refugee status in the Kyrgyz Republic is registered,an asylum-seeker shall have the right to stay in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic until a final decision is rendered,including the appeal stage.自在吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国注册难民身份提出申请之刻起,庇护寻求者即有权利在吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国领土居留,直到做出最终决议为止,包括上诉阶段。(吉尔吉斯斯坦难民法第7条)
final destination最后目的地
In migration context, final destination means the country a person migrates to which he or she chooses to reside in permanently. 移徙背景下,最后目的地指移徙他国的人员选择永久居留的国家。
Neither paragraph 1 nor paragraph 2 shall affect checks on registered baggage;such checks shall be carried out either in the airport of final destination or in the airport of initial departure.第(1)条或第(2)条都不能影响对登记行李的检查;此种检查应该在最后目的地机场或初始离境机场进行。(2000年申根协议第4.3条)
Upon the arrival to the final destination in the Kyrgyz Republic,foreign nationals or stateless persons shall register their arrival within five days according to the procedure established by the present Law,unless otherwise provided by the International treaties of the Kyrgyz Republic.根据现行法律规定的程序,外国人员和无国籍人员应该在抵达位于吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国的最后目的地的五日内注册,吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国加入的国际条约有其他规定的除外。(吉尔吉斯斯坦外国移徙法第6条)
final determination最终判决;最终裁决
See final judgement.见最终裁决。
A person loses permanent resident status on a final determination of a decision made outside of Canada that they have failed to comply with the residency obligation under section 28.任何人员由于在加拿大境外未能遵从第28条的居留义务而做出最终判决时,丧失永久居留身份。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第46(1)(b)条)
A torture claim(whether a claim pending final determination or a substantiated claim)made by a claimant who is subject or liable to removal must be treated as withdrawn if the claimant(for whatever reason)leaves Hong Kong.对于受到或可能驱逐的申诉人提起的受虐申诉(不管是等待最终裁决还是已解决的申诉),如果申诉人(不管基于何原因)离开香港,都被视为撤诉。(香港移民法2009年修订第37ZF(1)条)
final judgement最终裁决
A court's last action that settles the rights of the parties and disposes of all issues in controversy,except for the award of cost and enforcement of the judgement.指法院的判决,除了费用裁定及裁决的执行事宜外,确定了当事人权利,处理并解决了所有争端问题。
The provisions of sub-article(1)shall not apply to a refugee in respect of whom there are reasonable grounds for regarding him as a danger to the security of Malta,or who,having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime,constitutes a danger to the community.对于有充分理由认为对马耳他安全造成危险的难民,或者最终裁决被认定犯重罪而对社会构成危险的难民将不适用第(1)款的条款。(马耳他难民法第三部分第9(2)条)
An application for the issue of a residence permit for an indefinite period as referred to in section 20,which is made by an alien who has been lawfully resident in the Netherlands for a period of five consecutive years immediately prior to the application as referred to in section 8(a),(c),(e)or(l),may be rejected only if the alien:(a)does not,either alone or together with the member of his family with whom he resides,have independent,lasting and sufficient means of subsistence;(b)has been convicted by final judgment of a court for an indictable offence that carries a term of imprisonment of three or more years or has been given a non-punitive order within the meaning of article 37a of the Criminal Code for such an offence.对于第8(a),(c),(e)或(l)条所指的申请实施之前已在荷兰连续合法居住了五年的外国人提出的第20条所指的永久居住许可申请,下列情形可予以驳回:(a)外国人独自生活或与家庭成员共同生活没有独立的、长久的、足够的生活来源;(b)被法院最终裁决为犯有判处三年或以上有期徒刑的可公诉罪行的外国人,或根据《刑法》第37(a)条因同类罪行被处以非惩罚判令的外国人。(荷兰2000年外国人法第21条第1款)
final ruling最终裁决
See final judgement.见最终裁决。
To make final;to put into final form.做出最后决定;定案。
A criminal justice stay certificate for a non-citizen may be given even though an application for a visa for the non-citizen has been made but not finalised.尽管提出了非公民签证的申请但尚未最后裁定,还可以授予非公民刑事司法居留许可证。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第149条)
Requests the Ad Hoc Committee to continue its work in relation to this draft Protocol,in accordance with resolutions 53/111,53/114 and 54/126,and to finalise such work as soon as possible.请特设委员会继续根据第53/111号 53/114号和54/126号决议进行其有关该议定书草案的工作并尽快完成此项工作。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约前言第5条)
financial ability经济能力
In migration context,sponsors must demonstrate that they have the financial ability to provide for the essential needs of the sponsored person and their dependents.To meet the financial ability requirements,the sponsor must satisfy the minimum income requirements.移徙背景下,赞助人必须出示能够为受赞助人及其亲属提供必要需求的经济能力的证明。要满足经济能力的要求,赞助人必须满足最低收入要求。
During the period October 1,2000,through September 30,2003,and subject to subparagraphs(C)and(D)(ii),the Attorney General may,in the discretion of the Attorney General for humanitarian purposes,waive application of subparagraph(A)in the case of an alien—(i)who was admitted to the United States as a nonimmigrant visitor(described in section 1101(a)(15)(B)of this title)under the provisions of the visa waiver pilot program established pursuant to section 1187 of this title,seeks the waiver for the purpose of continuing to receive medical treatment in the United States from a physician associated with a health care facility,and submits to the Attorney General—(I)a detailed diagnosis statement from the physician,which includes the treatment being sought and the expected time period the alien will be required to remain in the United States;(II)a statement from the health care facility containing an assurance that the alien's treatment is not being paid through any Federal or State public health assistance,that the alien's account has no outstanding balance,and that such facility will notify the Service when the alien is released or treatment is terminated;and(III)evidence of financial ability to support the alien's day-to-day expenses while in the United States(including the expenses of any family member described in clause(ii))and evidence that any such alien or family member is not receiving any form of public assistance.
Visa shall be issued to foreign citizens arriving in Mongolia as private visitors if one of the following bases is exist:1)a written guarantee by the person himself or a receiving citizen and/or an organization in Mongolia on the visitor's financial ability to live in Mongolia and his or her intention to return to his or her home country.基于以下条件之一可为以个人旅客身份入境蒙古的外国人签发签证:1)由个人或接收公民和(或)蒙古的机构出具的书面保证书,保证旅客具有在蒙古生活的经济能力且其有返回其国籍国的意向。(蒙古国外国人合法地位法第15(1)条)
financial year财政年度
Any accounting period of 12 months.财政年度。
For the purposes of this Act,when a criterion allowed by subsection(1)prevents the grant in a financial year of any more visas of a particular class,any outstanding applications for the grant in that year of visas of that class are taken not to have been made.本法规定,第(1)款所允许的标准在财政年度限制某一特别种类签证的数量时,在此年度不再授予任何此类未决申请的签证(澳大利亚1958年移民法第39条)
The Enterprise shall,not later than three months after the end of each financial year,submit to the Council for its consideration an annual report containing an audited statement of its accounts and shall transmit to the Council at appropriate intervals a summary statement of its financial position and a profit and loss statement showing the results of its operations.企业部应于每一财政年度结束后三个月内,将载有其账目的审计报表的年度报告提交理事会,请其审核,并应于适当间隔期间,将其财务状况简要报表和显示其业务实绩的捐益计算表递交理事会。(联合国海洋法公约附件四第9(1)条)
One(or more)visual representation(s)of a person's fingertip(s).人的指尖表面的一个(或多个)直观表现。
fingerprint check指纹比对
See biometric identifiers.见生物特征。
In connection with entry and exit control,other types of identity checks,including iris scans,fingerprint checks and facial recognition checks may be carried out.关于出入境检查,可进行其他形式的身份检查,包括虹膜扫描,指纹比对和面部识别检查。(挪威移民法2010年修订第15条)
Fingerprint checks— Effective not later than March 31,1995,the Secretary of State shall in the ten countries with the highest volume of immigrant visa issuance for the most recent fiscal year for which data are available require the fingerprinting of applicants over sixteen years of age for immigrant visas.指纹比对——国务卿要求签证签发量最多的十个国家提供最新财政年内现有数据中十六周岁以上移民护照申请者指纹,截止到1995年3月31日之前有效。(美国2010年外国人与国籍法第1182条“本条的修正”部分之“获取国家犯罪信息中心洲际鉴定指标的途径;指纹比对”部分)
fingerprints or handprints指纹或手印
One(or more)visual representation(s)of the surface of a person's fingertip(s).人的指尖表面的一个(或多个)直观表现。
The Attorney General shall establish a procedure for the consideration of asylum applications filed under subsection(a).The Attorney General may require applicants to submit fingerprints and a photograph at such time and in such manner to be determined by regulation by the Attorney General.司法部长应确定依据(a)款提出的庇护申请的审议程序。司法部长可以要求申请人按照法律规定的时间以及方式提交指纹、照片。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第208(d)(1)条)
The Principal Immigration Officer may exercise all or any of the following powers for the purposes of this Part:(e)require the asylum claimant to provide or allow the taking of such fingerprints and photographs of the asylum claimant as are reasonably necessary for the purpose of ascertaining or confirming the asylum claimant's nationality or identity,including authenticating a relationship to another person.根据本部分,入境事务主任可行使本部分规定的下列全部或部分权力:(e)要求庇护申请者提供指纹和照片信息,或者允许将其指纹和照片作为必需的信息,以查明或确定庇护申请者的国籍或身份,包括证实其与他人的关系。(瓦努阿图2010年移民法第69(1)(e)条)
Fingerprints or handprints of a person(including those taken using paper and ink or digital live scanning technologies).本人的指纹或手印(包括使用纸张和墨水或现场数字扫描技术采集的信息)。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订列表“个人身份标记”部分第1条)
Firearm shall mean any portable barrelled weapon that expels,is designed to expel or may be readily converted to expel a shot,bullet or projectile by the action of an explosive,excluding antique firearms or their replicas.Antique firearms and their replicas shall be defined in accordance with domestic law.In no case,however,shall antique firearms include firearms manufactured after 1899.枪支系指利用爆炸作用的原理,设计成可以发射或者稍经改装即可发射弹丸、弹头或抛射物的便携管状武器,但不包括古董枪支或其复制品。古董枪支及其复制品应按照各国本国法律予以界定。但古董枪支无论如何不得包括1899年后制造的枪支。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书第3a条)
The Minister of Justice may prohibit the entry of a foreigner who falls under any of the following subparagraphs:1.Persons carrying an epidemic disease,narcotic addicts or other persons deemed likely to cause danger and harm to the public health;2.Persons who intend to enter the Republic of Korea unlawfully carrying firearms and guns,swords,explosives,etc.as prescribed by the Control of Firearms,Swords,Explosives,etc.Act.司法部长可以禁止下列条款涉及的外国人入境:1.传染性疾病携带者,麻醉药成瘾者,或其他可能对公共健康造成危险和伤害的人员;2.欲非法携带《枪支、刀剑、爆炸品等控制法案》中规定的枪支、刀剑、爆炸品等进入大韩民国的人员。(韩国1963年移民法2002年修订第11(1)条)
States Parties shall adopt,within their domestic legal systems,such measures as may be necessary to prevent illicitly manufactured and trafficked firearms,parts and components and ammunition from falling into the hands of unauthorized persons by seizing and destroying such firearms,their parts and components and ammunition unless other disposal has been officially authorized,provided that the firearms have been marked and the methods of disposal of those firearms and ammunition have been recorded.缔约国应在本国法律制度的范围内采取必要措施,通过扣押和销毁非法制造和贩运的枪支及其零部件和弹药等办法,防止其落入未获许可者之手。但经正式批准的其他处置方式除外,不过应给枪支打上标识,并对这些枪支和弹药的处置方式进行登记。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约之附件“联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书”第6条第2款)
first asylum principle第一庇护原则
Principle according to which an asylum seeker should request asylum in the first country where she/he is not at risk.庇护申请者应在其无风险的第一个国家要求避难的原则。
first country of asylum第一庇护国家
First country in which a refugee or a displaced person outside of his or her country benefits or could benefit from protection.The notion of first country of asylum is frequently used as a condition of access to the asylum determination procedure.难民或从国家流亡的人员在第一国家的保护中受益或能够受益。第一庇护国家常被用来作为获得庇护决定程序的条件。相关词语 asylum(territorial)(庇护(领土的),Dublin II Regulation(都柏林II规定),refugee(难民),right of asylum(庇护权),safe third country(安全第三国)
first offence初次犯罪;初犯
The first illegal thing that someone has done.第一次做违法犯罪之事。
Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or the Regulations is guilty of an offence and,where the provisions by or under which the offence is created provides no penalty,is liable on summary conviction for a first offence to a fine of one thousand dollars and to imprisonment for twelve months and on any subsequent summary conviction to a fine of two thousand dollars and to imprisonment for eighteen months.凡违反本法案或法规之规定的人员都属犯罪,根据条例若无相应的惩罚措施,则应作为初犯循简易程序定罪,处以1,000美元罚款或12个月的有期徒刑,在随后的简易裁决中,处以2,000美元罚款或18个月的监禁。(特立尼达和多巴哥1969年移民法2005年修订第42(1)条)
Any person who commits an offence against any of the provisions of this Act for which no penalty is prescribed shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years,or to both such fine and term of imprisonment:Provided that the punishment for the first offence under this Act shall not be less than a fine of one thousand dollars,and the punishment for a second or subsequent offence under this Act shall not be less than a fine of three thousand dollars or imprisonment for one year.触犯本法条款但未规定惩罚措施的人在下列情况下应循简易程序定罪处以不超过5,000美元的罚款或不超过两年的有期徒刑,或者同时处以两种刑罚:若根据本法案,对于初犯的惩罚不应少于1,000美元的罚金,或再犯或后犯罪行的处罚不应少于3,000美元的罚款或一年的有期徒刑。(伯利兹移民法2000年修订第34(3)条)
first port of call第一停靠港
The first place a person/vessel to stop.人员/船只停靠的第一站。
Notwithstanding anything in this Part,no offence is committed,and no ship shall be liable to for feiture,under this Part in respect of the presence of an unauthorized entrant on board a ship—
(a)which the Governor has in his discretion on special grounds granted permission to enter Hong Kong;or(b)whose first port of call is Hong Kong,if the unauthorized entrant was taken on board without reward pursuant to a legal obligation to go to his assistance.即使本部分有规定,任何载有未获授权进境者的船只,如属下述情况,不会根据本部分构成犯罪,亦不会令该船只可予扣押——(a)行政长官基于特殊理由凭其酌情决定权准许该船只进入香港;或(b)该船只的第一停靠港为香港,而未获授权进境者乃是在依据一项须对该未获授权进境者给予协助的法律义务,且在无收取报酬的情况下被带上船者。(香港移民法2009年修订第37I条第(1)款)
first preference第一优先的原则(美)
A category of family immigration(F1)for unmarried sons and daughters of American citizens and their children.家庭移民(F1)类别,指美国公民的未婚子女及其子女。
first reporting event首次报告事件(英)
Shortly after the screening interview,the asylum applicant will be asked to attend a “first reporting event” where they will meet the UKBA case owner who will deal with their case and have the procedures explained to them,in particular the ways in which the UKBA expects the applicant to keep in touch with them during the course of the asylum process.庇护申请人接受面试后,会被要求参加首次报告事件。届时,申请人会与边境署的案件处理人员会面,案件处理人员会向申请人解释程序,尤其要解释在庇护过程中,申请人与英国边境移民机构保持联系的方式。
fiscal year财政年度
An accounting period of 12 consecutive months.连续12个月的会计年度。同义词financial year(财政年度)
Worldwide Level of Family-Sponsored Immigr-ants—
(1)(A)The worldwide level of family-sponsored immigrants under this subsection for a fiscal year is,subject to subparagraph(B),equal to —
(ii)the sum of the number computed under paragraph(2)and the number computed under paragraph(4),plus
(iii)the number(if any)computed under paragraph(3).
A right or liberty of taking fish;the industry of catching fish.捕鱼的权利或自由;渔业。
Fisheries detention means detention under:(a)Schedule 1A to the Fisheries Management Act 1991;or(b)Schedule 2 to the Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984.
Fisheries detention offence means an offence against section 99,100,100A,100B,101,101A,101AA,101B,105E or 105F of the Fisheries Management Act 1991.指违反《1991年渔业管理法》第99条、100条、100A条、100B条、101条、101A条、101AA条、101B条、105E条或105F条规定的犯罪行为。(详见澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
Fisheries officer means an officer as defined in the Fisheries Management Act 1991 or the Torres Strait Fisheries Act 1984.指《1991年渔业管理法》或《1984年托雷斯海峡渔业法》中规定的官员。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
flag State船旗国
The flag State is the State of nationality of a vessel.The flag State is responsible for ensuring that the vessels under its flag respect relevant obligations under customary and conven-tional international law.船旗国指船只国家的国籍。船旗国应负责确保悬挂其国旗的船只遵守相关的习惯及传统国际法。相关词语high seas(公海),rescue at sea(海上救援),vessel(船只)
A State Party that has taken any measure in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article shall promptly inform the flag State concerned of the results of that measure.已根据本条第2 款采取任何措施的缔约国,应将所采取措施的结果迅速通知有关船旗国。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附件三第8.3条)
In the cases provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2,the coastal State shall,if the master so requests,notify a diplomatic agent or consular officer of the flag State before taking any steps,and shall facilitate contact between such agent or officer and the ship's crew.在第1和第2两款规定的情形下,如经船长请求,沿海国在采取任何步骤前应通知船旗国的外交代表或领事官员,并应便利外交代表或领事官员和船上乘务人员之间的接触。(联合国海洋法公约第二部分第27.3条)
A plane making a particular journey.航班。
Until the date laid down in paragraph 1,airports shall,by way of derogation from the definition of internal borders,be considered as external borders for internal flights.截止第1条规定的日期,对于内部航班而言,不受内部边境含义的限制,机场应被视为外部边境。(2000年申根协议第4.4条)
Crew includes every seaman on a vessel,and every person employed in the operation of an aircraft or in any service rendered to the crew or passengers of the aircraft while in flight.“船员/机组人员”包括船上的每位水手,及飞机飞行时雇佣的操作飞机的人员或为飞机上的机组人员或乘客服务的人员。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年第一部分第2(1)条)
flight crew identity documents飞行机组人员身份证件
See airline flight crew license.见机组人员执照。
Every aircraft of a contracting State,engaged in international navigation,shall carry the following documents in conformity with the conditions prescribed in this convention:(a)its certificate of registration;(b)its certificate of airworthiness;(c)the appropriate license for each member of the crew;(d)its journey log book;(e)if it is equipped with radio apparatus,the aircraft radio station license;(f)if it carries passengers,a list of their names and places of embarkation and destination;(g)if it is carries cargo,a manifest and detailed declaration of the cargo.缔约国的任何航空器在从事国际飞行时,应按照本公约规定的条件携带下列证件:(a)航空器登记证;(b)航空器适航证;(c)机组人员的适当执照;(d)航空器航行记录簿;(e)航空器无线电台许可证,如该航空器配有无线设备;(f)乘客姓名及其登机地与目的地清单,如该航空器载有乘客;(g)货物舱单及详细申报单,如该航空器载有货物。(国际民航组织公约1944年第29条)
Flight crew identity documents are “Airline Flight Crew Licences” and “Crew Member Certificates” pursuant to the Appendix to the respectively valid version of Annex 9 to the Convention dated 7 December 1944 on International Civil Aviation(Federal Law Gazette 1956 II,p.411).根据1944年12月7日国际民航组织公约(1956年联邦法律公报II,第411页)附录9,飞机机组人员身份证分别指“航空公司飞行人员执照”及“机组人员证书”。(德国居留管理法第1(6)条)
flight path飞行路线
The course that a plane or space vehicle travels along.飞机或航空器飞行的路线。
If the commander cannot identify the other aircraft,the commander may request the pilot of the other aircraft to disclose to the commander:(i)the identity of the other aircraft;and(ii)the identity of all persons on the other aircraft;and(iii)the flight path of the other aircraft;and(iv)the flight plan of the other aircraft.
The term used for the unstable and changing portion of an overall population figure.用来表示总人口数量流动及变化的术语。
Aware of the impact of the flows of migrant workers on States and people concerned,and desiring to establish norms which may contribute to the harmonization of the attitudes of States through the acceptance of basic principles concerning the treatment of migrant workers and members of their families.意识到移徙工人的流动对各国和有关人民的影响,(本公约缔约国)并愿意建立规范,通过接受关于移徙工人及其家庭成员待遇的基本原则,或可帮助协调各国的看法。(保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约之“序言”部分)
The State shall guarantee the principle of solidarity enshrined in the Constitution,taking into account the special circumstances of those territories in which migration flows have a special impact.国家应保证遵循宪法中宣告的团结原则,考虑移徙流动对当地产生特殊影响的特殊情形。(西班牙2009年移民法第2a.3条)
fluorescent ink荧光油墨
Ink containing material that glows when exposed to light at a specific wavelength(usually UV)and that,unlike phosphorescent material,ceases to glow immediately after the illuminating light source has been extinguished.荧光油墨是一种含有在特定波长的光(一般为紫外线)照射下能发光的材料的油墨,这种材料不同于磷光材料,它在照射光源熄灭后会立即停止发光。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录一第6条)
for the purposes of为了…的目的;依照;就…而言
For the reason that.因为;由于。
For the purposes of this Division,it is affirmed as a principle that a minor child shall be detained only as a measure of last resort,taking into account the other applicable grounds and criteria including the best interests of the child.本章规定确认的准则,是只能在别无他法的情况下才能拘留未成年儿童,要考虑其他的依据和标准,包括该儿童的最大利益。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第60条)
The Director General may for the purpose of—
(a)any investigation into any offence under this Act;(b)any inquiry under this Act;(c)the enforcement of any provision of this Act;or(d)otherwise exercising any power,discharging any duty,or carrying out any function,under this Act, summon and examine witnesses on oath or affirmation,and may re-quire the production of any relevant documents.
For the purposes of this Protocol:(a)“Trafficking in persons” shall mean the recruitment,transportation,transfer,harbouring or receipt of persons,by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion,of abduction,of fraud,of deception,of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person,for the purpose of exploitation.Exploitation shall include,at a minimum,the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation,forced labour or services,slavery or practices similar to slavery,servitude or the removal of organs.在本议定书中:(a)“人口贩运”系指为剥削目的而通过暴力威胁或使用暴力手段,或通过其他形式的胁迫,通过诱拐、欺诈、欺骗、滥用权力或滥用脆弱境况,或通过授受酬金或利益取得对另一人有控制权的某人的同意等手段招募、运送、转移、窝藏或接收人员。剥削应至少包括利用他人卖淫进行剥削或其他形式的性剥削、强迫劳动或服务、奴役或类似奴役的做法、劳役或切除器官。(联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约及议定书附录二第3条)
forced/compulsory labour强迫/强制劳动
All work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself/herself voluntarily.以惩罚相威胁,强使任何人从事其本人不自愿从事的所有工作或劳务。(国际劳工组织1930年关于强迫劳工公约第2(1)条)相关词语 child labour(童工),coercion(胁迫)
In order for persecution,as referred to in the first paragraph of Art.44,to exist there must be a question of actions which by their nature,or because they are repeated,comprise a serious violation of basic human rights,in particular inalienable basic human rights such as the right to life or freedom from torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment,freedom from slavery or forced labour and freedom from extrajudicial punishment.第44条第一款中所指的“迫害”必须是从本质上或由于反复实施包含一系列破坏人类基本权利的行为,尤其指人类不可剥夺的权利,比如生存权,免受折磨或非人道或侮辱性的对待或惩罚的权利,免受奴役或强制劳动的权利及免受法外处罚的权利。(冰岛2002年外国人法第44a条)
forced displacement被迫移居;被迫流离失所
In the law of armed conflict,the individual or collective movement of civilians in the interior of an occupied territory.In the terms of Art.49,Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War,1949 and Art.85,Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949,and Relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts,1977,forced displacement constitutes a war crime,unless it is justified by imperative military reasons.In a more general sense,forced displacement —or displacement—is the involuntary movement,individually or collectively,of persons from their country or community,notably for reasons of armed conflict,civil unrest,or natural or man-made catastrophes.根据国际冲突法律之规定,平民个体或集体在被占领土内流动。根据《1949年日内瓦有关对平民在战时保护》之规定第49条,《1949年8月12日日内瓦公约附加议定书》之85条以及《1977年对有关国际武装冲突中受害人保护》之规定,除非能够证明被迫采取军事行动原因,否则造成流离失所情况构成战争犯罪。概括说,人们从其国家或社区以个体或集体方式被迫移居——或流离失所——为非自愿流动,特别是由于武装冲突、国内不稳定,或出于自然或人为灾害原因。相关词语 displaced person(流离失所人员),displa-cement(流离失所),externally displaced persons(国外流离失所人员),internally displaced persons(国内流离失所人员)
Every citizen of Turkmenistan shall have the right to protection from forced displacement from his or her residence or place of stay.土库曼斯坦公民都有免于从其居留地或暂居地被迫迁移的权利。(土库曼斯坦移民法第42.1条)
forced marriage强迫婚姻
An arranged marriage against a person's wishes.Often,a dowry is paid to the family;when refused,there are frequently violent and/or abusive consequences.违背某人愿望的包办婚姻。通常,会付给(女方)嫁妆;在遭(女方)拒绝时,常会导致暴力及/或侮辱性结果。相关词语coercion(胁迫)
forced migration强迫移徙
General term used to describe a migratory movement in which an element of coercion exists,including threats to life and livelihood,whether arising from natural or man-made causes(e.g.movements of refugees and inter-nally displaced persons as well as people displ-aced by natural or environmental disasters,chemical or nuclear disasters,famine,or development projects).通用术语,用来描述存在胁迫成分的移徙活动,包括威胁生命和生存,不管该威胁是由于自然或人为的原因(例如,将难民、国内流离失所者和因自然或环境灾难、化学或核灾难、饥馑或发展项目的原因而离开的人员流动)。相关词语 internally displaced persons(国内流离失所者),refugee(难民)
Forced migrants-individuals,citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who were forced to leave the place of their residence on the territory of another state for the reason of real danger for the their lives in armed conflicts and returning to the country of their citizenship.强迫移民指——由于害怕武装冲突以及返回其公民身份国的个体被迫离开其居住领土而到他国的哈萨克斯坦公民。(哈萨克斯坦1997年移徙法第2条)
forced military conscription强迫征兵
Forced military conscription describes the recruitment of civilians into an armed group through the use of physical force. State military conscription, in which a country legally requires its citizens to serve in its military, has existed for centuries. Popularly known as “the draft” in Western countries, conscription became the model for maintaining a large standing army in Europe in the 19th century. Military conscription was abolished in favor of voluntary recruitment. According to the Fourth Geneva Convention which protects civilians in situations of armed conflict, an “Occupying Power may not compel protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces”.强迫征兵是指通过使用暴力征募平民到武装集团。国家征兵,即国家法律要求公民到部队中服役已经存在几个世纪了。西方国家俗称为“征兵”,在19世纪,征兵成为欧洲维持庞大的常备军的模式。兵役征集被废除,取而代之的是自愿入伍。根据《第四部日内瓦公约》,关于保护武装冲突中平民规定,占领国不得强迫被保护人在其武装或辅助部队服役。相关词语 child soldier(童子军),exploitation(剥削)
forced repatriation强迫遣返
See involuntary repatriation.见非自愿遣返。
forced resettlement/relocation强迫重新安置/搬迁
Involuntary transfer of individuals or groups within the jurisdiction of a State away from their normal residence as part of a government policy.作为一项政府政策,在一国司法管辖范围内,将个人或群体从其常住地非自愿地迁走。
Forced re-settlers-citizens of the RT,who have forcedly left their permanent place of reside-nce,and now are staying on the territory of another state because of violence or persecution committed against them;or because of the real danger to undergo the persecution not only against themselves,but also against members of their families in regard to race,nationality,religion,language,political credo,belonging to a definite social group;and also if there is any connection between the commitment of violence or persecution,and the real danger to undergo persecution in armed and international conflicts.强迫重新定居者指——被迫离开其永久居住地的塔吉克斯坦共和国的公民,因暴力或对其实施的迫害;或因其害怕不仅针对其自身的迫害,而且还担心其家庭成员因宗族、国籍、宗教、语言、政治信仰、社会团体归属等受到迫害;而且在实施暴力或迫害间存在关联并且的确担心在武装与国际冲突中遭到迫害等原因目前居住在他国。(塔吉克斯坦移徙法第1条)
forced return强迫返回
The compulsory return of an individual to the country of origin,transit or third country,on the basis of an administrative or judicial act.根据行政或司法法案,将某人强制性送回至其原籍国、过境国或第三国。相关词语deportation(驱逐),expulsion(驱逐),involuntary repatriation(非自愿遣返),refoulement(推回),repatriation(遣返),return(返回),voluntary repatriation(自愿遣返),voluntary return(自愿返回)
On 9 May 2005 the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers adopted a 20-point set of guidelines on the process relating to all stages of the “forced return” of foreign nationals.2005年5月9日,欧洲理事会部长委员会通过一项20条的关于外国国民“强迫返回”程序的所有步骤的指南。(意大利:临时居住——永久权利法规“引言”部分)
Measures of expulsion or forced return from Romania's territory cannot be taken against aliens under the procedure of establishing the responsible member state,from the moment of notification provided in art.122 paragraph(3)and up to the communication provided in art.122 paragraph(9).自第122条第(3)款至第122条第(9)款规定的公告之日的期间,按照确立负责任的会员国的程序,不得针对外国人实施从罗马尼亚驱逐或强迫返回的措施。(罗马尼亚庇护法第129条)
The things that have been mentioned.前面提及之事;上述事物。
Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Act,the former immigration laws shall continue to apply,and this Act shall not apply,—(a)in relation to the making of deportation orders and matters connected therewith in any case where a decision to make the order has been notified to the person concerned before the coming into force of this Act.尽管本法前述条款中做了规定,前移民法律仍继续适用,且本法不适用于下列情况,——(a)在本法生效前,下达驱逐令和与此相关事项的决定已经通知相关人员。(英国1971年移民法第34(4)(a)条)
The provisions of Part IV of this Act shall not apply to any person —
(a)who is a citizen of Malta;or
(b)who,in accordance with article 44(4)of the Constitution of Malta,is deemed to be a citizen of Malta by virtue of article 3(1)or of article 5(1)of the Maltese Citizenship Act;or
(c)who is entitled to immunities and privi-leges by virtue or under any provision of the Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges Act;or
(d)who is a member of the armed forces of a country other than Malta which are present in Malta under and within the scope of arrangements with the government of Malta;or
(e)who is in Malta in an advisory or consu-ltative capacity to the Government on invitation of the same;or
(f)who is a dependant of any person referred to in the foregoing paragraphs;or
(g)who is the spouse of any person referred to in any of the foregoing paragraphs and is still married to and living with that person;and
(h)who is the widow or widower of any person mentioned in paragraph(a)or(b)and at the time of his or her death was still living with that person.
foreign affairs manual外事手册;外事指南(美)
Foreign Affairs Manual(FAM)is published by the United States Department of State. It contains the functional statements, organiz-ational responsibilities, and authorities of each of the major components of the Department. Together, the manual comprises the basic organizational directive of the Department. 外交事务手册由美国国务院出版。手册包含了各部门的功能陈述、组织职责及权限。该手册包括部门的基本组织指令。
Foreign Affairs Manual Chapter 41 relates to nonimmigrant visas.Chapter 42 covers immigr-ant visas.Chapter 40 relates to visa ineligibi-lities and waivers.外事手册第41章为关于非移民签证的内容,第42章涉及的内容为移民签证,第40章内容为签证不合格人员及免签人员。
foreign aircraft外国航空器
Aircrafts of another country.他国航空器。
Foreign aircrafts compelled to arrive in the Maldives due to unforeseen natural circums-tances,or in the case of an emergency beyond the control of the aircraft shall also land first at an authorised airport.由于不可预见的自然情况或非飞机能掌控的紧急情况被迫降落于马尔代夫的外国航空器应该首先降落在指定机场。(马尔代夫2007年移民法第22(b)条)
Foreign aircraft(environment matters)means an aircraft,within the meaning of the Environ-ment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999,that is not an Australian aircraft(within the meaning of that Act).外国航空器指《1999年环境保护及生物多样性保护法》规定的,不属于澳大利亚的航空器(该法中所定义的)。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第5条)
foreign border workers外国边境工人
Foreign border workers are foreign persons granted permission to be employed on a continuous basis in the receiving country provided they depart at regular and short intervals(daily or weekly)from that country. 外国边境工人是指在接收国被授予连续被雇用许可证的外国人,这些人员定期及短间隔(每日或每周)从该国离开。相关词语project-tied worker(项目工人)
foreign citizen外国公民
See alien.见外国人。
foreign diplomatic and consular personnel外国外交及领事人员
Foreigners admitted under diplomatic visas or permits.持有外交签证或许可证而入境的外国人。
foreign excursionists(also called “same-day visitors”)外国游客(也称为“同一天的访客”)
See excursionists.见游览者。
foreign migrant workers外国移徙工人
Foreigners admitted by the receiving State for the specific purpose of exercising an economic activity remunerated from within the receiving country.Their length of stay is usually restricted as is the type of employment they can hold.被接受国允许入境由接受国付薪的从事某特定经济活动的外国人。其停留期限通常受限于其从事的职业类型。
foreign military personnel外国军队人员
Foreign military servicemen,officials and advisers stationed in the country.驻扎在该国的外国军人,军队官员和军事顾问。
foreign national外国人
See foreigner.见外国人。
Foreign national means a person who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident,and includes a stateless person.外国人指非加拿大公民或永久居民,并包括无国籍人员。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第2(1)条)
The term “port of entry or departure”means a seaport or airport at which a foreign national enters or departs from Japan,as provided for by Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice.出入境指《司法部法规》中规定的外国国民入出日本的港口或机场。(1951年日本移民控制及难民认定法第一章第2(8)条)
foreign population of a country某国外国人口
All persons who have that country as country of usual residence and who are the citizens of another country.将该国作为其常住国且为另一国公民的所有人员。
foreign retirees(as settlers)外国退休人员(定居者)
Persons beyond retirement age who are granted the right to stay over a long period or indefinitely in the territory of a State other than their own provided that they have sufficient independent income and do not become a charge to that State.得到授权在某国境内而非其自己国家停留较长一段期间或无限期停留的已到退休年龄的人员,前提为其有足够的独立生活的收入且不能成为该国的负担。
foreign settlers外国定居者
See migrants for settlement.见定居移民。
foreign State外国
A foreign country.外国。
Foreign state includes outlying possessions of a foreign state,but self-governing dominions or territories under mandate or trusteeship shall be regarded as separate foreign states.包括外国的海外属地,但拥有自治主权和受国际联盟或联合国授权的托管地应被视为是独立的外国。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第101.14条)
Until his Hungarian nationality is verified,any natural person who has no registered residence in Hungary and uses a valid travel document issued by a foreign state to identify himself shall be regarded as a foreigner.When the Hungarian nationality of the person is verified,the alien policing procedure shall be termin-ated but the rules applicable to the withholding of the travel documents of foreigners shall be applied.在匈牙利国籍未得到证实之前,在匈牙利未注册并使用由外国政府签发的有效旅行证件来证明身份的任何自然人均应视为外国人。在该人员的匈牙利国籍得到证实后,应终止外国人管理程序,但外国人持有旅行证件的法律规定依然适用。(匈牙利2001年外国人入境与居留法第2(2)条)
Passport document shall be understood as a document issued by authorised agencies of a foreign state or authorised agencies,specialised institutions or other autonomous organisations of the UN system,which confirms the citize-nship of an alien,identifies the personality of an alien or a stateless individual,allows the exit abroad and is recognised by Ukraine.护照证件指外国政府授权机构或批准机构、专业机构或联合国系统中其他自治组织签发的证件,这些证件能够证明外国人的国籍、识别外国人或无国籍的人员,允许其出国并得到乌克兰承认。(乌克兰移民法第1条)
foreign student外国学生
Persons admitted by a country other than their own,usually under special permits or visas,for the specific purpose of following a particular course of study in an accredited institution of the receiving country.被另一国家而不是其自己的国家准许入境的人员,通常持有特殊许可证或签证,以在接受国认定的机构从事某一课程学习为目的。
The foreign students accepted in the public or private education institutions in the Republic of Albania are provided with stay permission with precedence,after their request and the written certificate of the educational institution.With regards to the payment,in the case of the students,the reciprocity principle is applied.由阿尔巴尼亚共和国公立或私立教育机构招收的外国学生在提出请求并取得教育机构的书面证明后,优先给予居留许可。关于付费问题,就学生而言,适用互惠原则。(阿尔巴尼亚2000年外国人进入、停留及在阿尔巴尼亚待遇法第12条)
Upon application,a work permit is issued to foreign students holding a residence permit under section 9c(1)of the Aliens Act and referred to in section 28(1)of this Order for employment in part-time jobs for up to 15 hours a week.提出申请后,依照《外国人法》第9c(1)条和本法规第28(1)条规定,持有居留证的外国学生可获签工作许可证,以获得每周15小时的兼职工作。(外国人入境丹麦的行政法规第34.3条)
foreign trainees外国受训人员
Persons admitted by a country other than their own to acquire particular skills through on-the-job training.Foreign trainees are therefore allowed to work only in the specific institution or establishment providing the training and their length of stay is usually restricted.被另一国而非自己国家接收的通过岗位培训方式以学习某专业技能为目的的人员。只要其培训及居留期限允许,只允许外国受训人员在特殊机构或组织工作。
foreign-born population of a country某外国出生的人口
All persons who have that country as the country of usual residence and whose place of birth is located in another country.以该国为其常住国而其出生地为另一国的所有人员。
A person belonging to,or owing an allegiance to,another State.属于或效忠于另一个国家的人。相关词语 alien(外国人)
foreigners admitted for family formation or reunification家庭组成或团聚入境的外国人
Foreigners admitted because they are the immediate relatives of citizens or foreigners already residing in the receiving country or because they are the foreign fiance(e)s or the foreign adopted children of citizens.作为已在接受国居留的公民或外国人的直系亲属而入境的外国人,或作为接受国公民的外国未婚夫(妻)或接受国公民外国的领养子女而入境的外国人。
foreigners admitted for humanitarian reasons(other than asylum proper or temporary protection)由于人道主义缘由(而非庇护或临时保护)入境的外国人
Foreigners who are not granted full refugee status but are nevertheless admitted for humanitarian reasons because they find themselves in refugee-like situations.未得到完全难民身份但发现其处于难民境地,基于人道原因而被允许入境的外国人。相关词语asylum-seekers(庇护寻求者),refugees(难民),foreigners granted temporary protected status(被授予临时保护身份的外国人)
foreigners admitted for settlement入境定居的外国人
Foreign persons granted the permission to reside in the receiving country without limitations reg-arding duration of stay or exercise of an econ-omic activity.Their dependants,if admitted,are also included in this category.无停留期限或不受从事某经济活动限制被授予接受国居留许可证的外国人,其受抚养人也包含于此类人中。
foreigners granted temporary protected status被授予临时保护身份的外国人
Foreigners who are allowed to stay for a temporary though possibly indefinite period because their life would be in danger if they were to return to their country of citizenship.如果返回其国籍国会置于危险之中,被允许临时停留但无期限的外国人。相关词语 foreigners seeking asylum(寻求庇护的外国人)
foreigner's livelihood外国人谋生
In migration context,when one lives in another country,he/she must have sufficient material(most importantly money)to support him/herself so that he will not be any burden of the host country.移徙背景下,当在他国生活居住时,应有足够的物质基础(主要经济上)养活自己,不致给接受国带来任何负担。
A foreigner's livelihood is secure when he or she is able to earn their living,including adequate health insurance coverage,without recourse to public funds.For the purposes of this definition,such funds do not include child benefits,child raising benefits and public funds which are based on contributions or which are granted in order to enable residence in the Federal territory.Contributions to the household income by family members shall be taken into account in connection with the issuance or extension of a residence permit in the context of the subsequent immigration of dependents.外国人能够自食其力时,其生计有保障,包括足够的健康保险,而不必依赖公共基金。本定义规定,此类基金不包括儿童福利、儿童抚养福利、捐款和为了能在德国居留而被给予的基金。对于后续家属移民,有关居留证的签发或延期应考虑家庭成员对家庭收入的贡献。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第2(3)条)
foreigners whose entry or stay is not sanctioned入境或停留不被认可的外国人
This category includes foreigners who violate the rules of admission and stay of the receiving country and are deportable,as well as foreign persons attempting to seek asylum but who are not allowed to file an application and are not permitted to stay in the receiving country on any other grounds.此类人员包括违反接受国入境及停留法律的并可驱逐的外国人,以及试图寻求庇护但不允许提出申请且不允许以任何原因在接受国停留的外国人。
foreigners whose status is regularized地位合法化的外国人
Foreigners whose entry or stay has not been sanctioned by the receiving State or who have violated the terms of their admission but who are nevertheless allowed to regularize their status.Although most persons regularizing their status have already been present in the receiving country for some time,their regularization may be taken to represent the time of their official admission as international migrants.不被接受国认可(批准)入境及停留的外国人;或违反入境条款但允许其地位合法化的外国人。尽管多数人员在接受国境内已经居留一段时期,但其合法化的时间是其正式被接纳为国际移民的时间。
A name that precedes the family name or surname;a first name.在族姓或姓氏前的名字;名字。
The visa shall contain the following details:the family name,forename(written in Russian and Latin letters),date of birth,sex,citizenship(allegiance),the number of the basic personal identity document of the foreign citizen or stateless person,the date of issue of the visa,the permitted duration of stay in the Russian Federation,the number of the invitation to enter the Russian Federation or the permit of the state body,the effective term of the visa,the purpose of the trip,the details of the inviting organisation(the inviting natural person),the number of entries the visa may be used for.签证应该包含如下详细信息:外国公民或无国籍人员的姓、名(以俄文或拉丁文书写)、出生日期、性别、国籍(效忠国家)、基本的个人身份证件号码、签证签发日期、允许在俄罗斯联邦停留的时间、进入俄罗斯联邦的邀请号码或国家机关的许可号码、签证的有效期、旅行的目的、邀请机构(邀请自然人)的细节、签证可用于入境的次数。(1996年出入俄罗斯联邦程序法2004年修订第25.1条)
To lose something valuable by having it taken away either as a punishment or because of a law or rule.(作为惩罚或由于法律或法规规定而)丧失;失去;被没收。
An authorised officer must not return a thing that is forfeited or forfeitable to the Comm-onwealth.Instead,the authorised officer must,as soon as practicable,give the thing to a constable(within the meaning of the Crimes Act 1914).得到授权的官员不必将没收的或可没收的物品交还给英联邦。相反,如果可能,获授权官员必须立即将该物品交给警察(《1914年犯罪法》所指)。(澳大利亚1958年移民法第252C(3)条)
No vehicle or vessel shall be forfeited under this section if it is established by the owner thereof that the vehicle or vessel was unlawfully in the possession of another person without the consent of the owner.根据本条规定,如果正式交通工具或船只未经主人同意被他人非法占有,则不得予以没收。(新加坡1959年移民法2008年修订第49(6A)条)
Seizure of private property because it was illegally obtained,is an illegal substance or the legal basis for possession has ended.将非法所得予以没收,或终止其拥有权。
Unless you belong to a third party not liable for the infringement,in the case of point(b)of paragraph 1 of Article 54 shall be subject to forfeiture of vehicles,boats,aircraft,and other property movable or immovable,of any nature they are,have served as an instrument to commit that offense.除非属于守法的第三方,符合第54条(b)款情形的车辆、船只、航行器及其他可动或不动产,无论功能如何,均应视为犯罪工具而应予没收。(西班牙移民法2009年55.5条)
Any vessel,vehicle or aircraft liable to seizure or detention under subsection(1)shall be liable to forfeiture.根据第(1)款应该没收或扣押的船只、交通工具或航行器必须予以没收。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第49A(3)条)
Whenever a conveyance is forfeited under this section the Attorney General may—
(A)retain the conveyance for official use;
(B)sell the conveyance,in which case the proceeds from any such sale shall be used to pay all proper expenses of the proceedings for forfeiture and sale including expenses of seizure,maintenance of custody,advertising,and court costs.根据本条没收的工具,司法部长可作如下处置——(A)保留予以官方使用;(B)变卖,在此种情形下,变卖的收入可用于支付所有没收、变卖包括扣押费用、羁押日常开支、广告以及开庭费用的花销。(美国1996年移民与国籍法第274(b)(4)(A)(B)条)
To illegally copy(something,esp.something printed or written on paper to make people think that it is real).伪造;假冒(尤指印或写在纸上之事物)。
If,during the control of entry of an alien at the border,SBS determines that his/her visa has been forged,they are obligated to cancel the visa immediately.如果国家边境服务局人员在边境对入境外国人检查过程中确定其签证系伪造,应立刻取消该签证。(波黑外国人流动、居留及庇护法第26.4条)
Any person who makes,forges or alters an endorsement or a document to be used as a visa,Permit,Pass or Certificate under this Act shall be guilty of an offence against this Act and shall,on conviction,be liable to a fine of not less than thirty thousand ringgit but not more than one hundred thousand ringgit and to imprisonment for a term of not less than five years but not more than ten years and shall also be punished with whipping of not more than six strokes.根据本法,对签证、许可证、通行证或证书背书或证件进行制作、伪造或篡改的人将被视作触犯本法,并判处30000林吉特到100000林吉特的罚款及5到10年的有期徒刑,并处以不多于六下的笞刑。(马来西亚1959年移民法2006年修订第55D条)
Proof of the matters referred to in subsection(1)in relation to a forged document or a document that is blank,incomplete,altered or not genuine is,in the absence of evidence to the contrary,proof that the person intends to contravene this Act.第(1)款所指有关伪造的证件或空白、不完整的、涂改的或假证件的证据,在没有相反证据的情况下,则为该人员意欲违反本法的证据。(加拿大2001年移民与难民保护法第122(2)条)
The screening of an application shall take account,among other things,of the fact that:(d)the alien has produced a false or forged travel document,identity card or other papers and,despite being questioned about this,has deliberately asserted that they are genuine.检查申请时应在其他项中考虑到下列事实:(d)外国人提供了虚假的或伪造的旅行证件、身份证或其他证件,且在被问及时,故意宣称证件为真。(荷兰2000年外国人法第31条第2(d)款)
If the immigration control official finds a national's forged or altered passport or seaman's pocketbook,he/she may withdraw and have the custody of it.如果移民检查官员发现国民伪造的或篡改过的护照或海员证,应收回并保管这些证件。(韩国1963年移民法2002年修订版第5(2)条)
1.A document,or piece of paper money that has been forged.2.The crime of forging official document,money.1.证件或纸币的伪造品。2.伪造证件、纸币罪。相关词语fraudulent alteration(变造)
Forgery means fraudulent alteration of any part of the genuine document,e.g.changes to the biographical data or the portrait.伪造指篡改真实证件的任何部分,例如改动个人资料或人脸图像。(国际民航组织第9303号文件第一部信息附录1第6条)
The surveillance referred to in paragraph 2 may only be carried out where one of the following criminal offences is involved:murder;manslaughter;rape;arson;forgery of money;aggravated burglary and robbery and receiving stolen goods;extortion;kidnapping and hostage taking;trafficking in human beings;illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;breach of the laws on arms and explosives;wilful damage through the use of explosives;illicit transportation of toxic and hazardous waste.有如下犯罪行为之一时才可实施第2条中所指的监控:谋杀;过失杀人;强奸;纵火;伪造纸币;严重入室盗窃罪,抢劫罪和接收赃物;敲诈勒索;绑架和挟持人质;贩卖人口;非法贩卖毒品和精神药品;违反武器和炸药法;使用爆炸物故意破坏罪;非法运输有毒有害废气物。(2000年申根协议第40.7条)
Form I-9I-9表格(美)
The “Employment Eligibility Verification” form used by United States employers to verify that their employees are eligible to be employed.由美国雇主使用的证明其雇员具有就业资格的“就业合格证书”。
Application to renew/replace green card.更新/置换绿卡申请表。
Form I-94 arrival and departure recordI-94 抵达及离境记录表(美)
An arrival-departure document issued to non-immigrants,refugees,and asylees and used to fulfill documentary requirements.With an unexpired foreign passport,it can serve as proof of work authorization for certain groups of nonimmigrant workers,primarily those who are admitted to the United States to work for a specific employer.签发给非移民、难民以及庇护者的用于填写文件要求的抵达——离境证明。对于持有过期的外国护照的非移民工人,该表可以作为其他的,特别是那些被许可入境美国为某特定雇主工作的人员的一种工作证据。
Form I-102I-102表格(美)
Application for replacement/initial non-immigrant arrival-departure document.迁移申请/非移民抵达-离境证初次申请表。
Form I-129I-129表格(美)
Petition for non-immigrant worker.非移民工人申领表。
Form I-130I-130表格
The form used by U.S.citizens and lawful permanent residents to petition for an immi-grant visa for a family member.此表格为美国公民以及合法永久居民为其家庭成员申领移民签证而使用的申请表格。
Form I-131I-131表格(美)
Application for advance parole or re-entry permit.回美证或再次入境许可申请表。相关词语 advance parole(回美证),re-entry permit(再次入境许可)
Form I-134I-134表格(美)
Affidavit of support.经济担保申领表。
Form I-140I-140表格(美)
Immigrant petition for alien worker.外国工人移民申领表。
Form I-485I-485表格(美)
Application for adjustment of status.身份调整申请表。
Form I-551(Green Card)I-551(绿卡)表格(美)
Permanent residence card or alien registration receipt card or “green card.”永久居留卡或外国人注册登记卡或“绿卡”。相关词语lawful permanent resident(合法永久居留)
Form I-539I-539表格(美)
Application to extend/change non-immigrant status.延期申请/改变非移民身份申请表。
Form I-600I-600表格(美)
I-600 is an immigration form used to classify an alien orphan who either is,or will be,adopted by a U.S.citizen as an immediate relative of the U.S.citizen to allow the child to enter the U.S.The petition is filed by the U.S.citizen who is adopting the child.A petitioner residing in the U.S.should file with the Local Office with jurisdiction over the petitioner's place of residence.I-600是一种移民表格,用来对外国孤儿进行分类,该儿童作为美国公民的直系亲属,现在或将来要被美国公民收养,可允许其入境美国。申请由收养该儿童的美国公民提出。居住在美国的申请人应向管辖其居住地的地方机构提出申请。
Form N-400N-400表格(美)
Application for naturalization.移民归化申请表。
A small point of practice that,though seemingly unimportant,must be observed to achieve a particular legal result.看似不太重要,但为获得某合法结果必须履行的一种做法。
Immediately,without delay,when used in a statute,within a reasonable time.用于法规时,指在合理时间内,迅速地,无延迟地。
A foreigner is to leave forthwith any part of the Federal territory which he or she may enter in breach of a geographic restriction without the permission of the foreigners authority.如果外国人未得到外国人机构的允许而进入受限活动区域,应立即离开联邦领土的任何区域。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第12(3)条)
Every person who arrives in Zambia by air—
(a)at any prescribed airport and intends to leave the precincts of such airport,shall forthwith appear before an immigration officer;or
(b)at any place other than a prescribed airport,shall forthwith proceed to and appear before the nearest immigration officer.
A child of unknown parentage found abandoned on the territory of a State.在一国领土上发现的被遗弃的儿童。
four freedoms四种自由(欧盟)
One of the great achievements of the EU has been to create a frontier-free area within which(1)people,(2)goods,(3)services and(4)money can all move around freely.欧盟在自由边境区取得的最大成就之一,即(1)人员,(2)货物,(3)服务及(4)货币全部可以自由流通。
A misrepresentation of the truth or concealment of a material fact in order to obtain some benefit.为获得某种利益,歪曲真实状况或隐瞒事实。
In Scotland,the offences to which this section applies are those—
(a)of fraud,(b)of uttering a forged document,(c)under section 24A of the 1971 Act(deception),or(d)under section 26(1)(d)of the 1971 Act(falsification of documents),and any attempt to commit any of those offences.
(a)欺骗,(b)出售伪造证件,(c)1971年法(欺骗)第24A的犯罪行为,或(d)1971年法(虚假证件)第26(1)(d)条的犯罪行为,以及任何企图违犯以上法律的犯罪行为。(英国1999 移民与庇护法第31(4)条)
In case of putting the false information into passport,loss of passport,deterioration,theft,fraud,sale,illegal producing and/or use,or violation of rules of entry/exit,set forth by this Law,guilty persons will take administrative and criminal responsibilities according to laws of Azerbaijan Republic.根据本法规定,若在护照中出现虚假信息、丢失护照、磨损、偷盗、欺骗、出售、非法制作和/或使用,或违反出入境条例,犯罪的人依照阿塞拜疆共和国法律应承担行政和刑事责任。(阿塞拜疆出入境法第16条)
fraudulent alteration变造
Fraudulent alteration involves the alteration of a genuine document in an attempt to enable it to be used for travel by an unauthorized person or to an unauthorized destination.The biogra-phical details of the genuine holder,partic-ularly the portrait form the prime target for such alteration.变造是指变造真实证件,以便使未经授权者得以用其旅行、或者前往未经授权的目的地。真实持证人的详细资料,特别是标准照是此种变造的主要对象。相关词语 alteration(涂改),forgery(伪造)
fraudulent document /travel or identity document虚假证件/旅行证件或虚假身份证件
“Fraudulent travel or identity document” shall mean any travel or identity document:
(i)that has been falsely made or altered in some material way by anyone other than a person or agency lawfully authorized to make or issue the travel or identity document on behalf of a State;or(ii)that has been improperly issued or obtained through misrepresentation,corruption or duress or in any other unlawful manner;or(iii)that is being used by a person other than the rightful holder.虚假旅行证件指任何以下旅行或身份证件:(i)由经合法授权可代表某国制作或签发旅行或身份证件的个人或机构以外的任何人伪造或作实质性变造的旅行或身份证件;或(ii)通过虚伪陈述、贿赂或胁迫或其他任何非法手段不正当地得以签发或取得的旅行或身份证件;或(iii)由合法持有者以外的人使用的旅行或身份证件。(2000年联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民的补充议定书第3(c)条)相关词语 identity document(身份证件),travel documents(旅行证件)
The request of entrance,visa and stay permission can be refused to the foreigners in cases when they do not have a passport or other document,according to the article 9 of this law,in order to clarify their identity and citizenship,or results that they have presented fraudulent documents.根据本法第9条的规定,未持有能证明其身份、公民身份或持有虚假证件的外国人,在入境申请时,应拒绝签发签证和居留许可。(阿尔巴尼亚1999年外国人法第5条)
fraudulent misrepresentation欺诈性错误陈述
A false statement that is known to be false or is made recklessly—without knowing or caring whether it is true or false.错误陈述——而不知或不顾其是否真实。
free movement自由流动(欧盟)
Free movement refers to persons(EU nationals or third-country nationals who have the right to)undertaking their right to freedom of movement by moving from one Member State to another EU Member State,often to take up employment.自由流动指人们(欧盟国民或享有此权利的第三国国民)以就业为目的,从一成员国向另一欧盟成员国享有的流动自由。
Family members of a Norwegian national are subject to the provisions of this chapter if they accompany or are reunited with a Norwegian national who returns to the realm after having exercised the right to free movement pursuant to the EEA Agreement or the EFTA Convention in another EEA country or EFTA country.按照欧盟经济区协议或欧洲自由贸易联盟公约规定,若挪威国民的家庭成员陪伴或与行使自由流动权,在其他欧盟经济区或欧洲自由贸易联盟国家返回王国的挪威国民团聚,则应遵守本章之规定。(挪威移民法2008年第110条)
In connection with an application for a residence card for foreign nationals as mentioned in section 110,fourth paragraph,the following shall be produced:(a)a valid passport,and(b)documentation that the foreign national is to carry out work pursuant to the rules in the EEA Agreement relating to free movement of services,or is to establish an economic activity in accordance with the rules in the EEA Agreement relating to freedom of establishment.关于第110条提到的外国人申请居留卡事宜,应提供如下证件:(a)有效的护照,和(b)根据欧盟经济区有关自由流动服务的规定,外国人应携带的证明文件,或根据欧盟经济区有关自由创业的协议应出示的从事经济活动的证明文件。(挪威移民法2008年第118条)
The entry,stay and exit of foreigners may be restricted according to the provisions specified in this Act.Within the limits of this Act,foreigners legally staying in the territory of the Republic of Hungary shall have the right of free movement and free choice of the place of stay and the freedom of travel.根据本法规定的条款,应严格限制外国人入境、居留与出境。在本法范围内,在匈牙利共和国领土上合法居留的外国人应有自由流动的权利以及自由选择居住之地以及旅行的自由。(匈牙利2001年外国人入境与居留法第3(1)条)
free movement of persons(visas,asylum,immigration and other policies)人员的自由流动(签证、庇护、移民及其他政策)
Numerous international and regional conventions affirm the right of persons to leave any country and to return to his or her country.This norm is narrower than a general right to cross international borders or to be admitted to whatever country one chooses.The right to leave applies to both nationals and non-nationals of the state of residence.Categories of persons able to assert a right to return,however are more limited;it pertains to citizens and nationals of a state,and to persons stripped of their nationality in violation of international law and perhaps to settled immigrants as well.The right to return is recognized as subject to fewer restriction than the right to depart.许多国际与地区公约承认人们离开任何国家并返回其祖国的权利。这一标准较跨越国际边境或获准入境其选择的任一国家的一般权利范围更窄。离开的权利适用于居留状态的国民与非国民。所有类别的人员都能够维护返回的权利,但局限性更大;属于一国的公民与国民,以及违反国际法脱离其国籍的人员,以及定居的移民。返回的权利比离境权所受限制要少。
freedom of movement流动自由
Of movement within the territory of a country(Art.13(1),Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948:“Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.”),right to leave any country and the right to return to his or her own country(Art.13(2),Universal Declaration of Human Rights,1948:“Everyone has the right to leave any country,including his own,and to return to his country.”).此权利由下列三个基本元素组成:在国家境内自由迁移(1948年世界人权宣言第13(1)条:“人人在各国境内有权自由迁徙和居住。”),离开任何国家的权利和返回其自己国家的权利(1948年,《世界人权宣言》,第13(2)条:“人人有权离开任何国家,包括其本国在内,并有权返回他的国家。”)相关词语 right to leave(离开的权利),right to return(返回的权利),Schengen Agreement and Convention(申根协定及协议)
freely landed自由登陆(英)
Applies to people who entered the United Kingdom before immigration time restrictions were imposed.These were usually Common-wealth citizens and they will normally have entry stamps in their passports with no conditions attached.适用于在规定移民时间限制之前入境英国的人员。通常为英联邦公民,通常在其护照上没有附加条件就可以加盖入境验讫章。
freezing or seizure冻结或扣押
Freezing or seizure shall mean temporarily prohibiting the transfer,conversion,disposition or movement of property or temporarily assuming custody or control of property on the basis of an order issued by a court or other competent authority.冻结或扣押指根据法院或其他主管当局签发的命令暂时禁止财产转运、转化处置或转移财产或对之实行暂时性扣留或控制。(2000年联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约第2f条)
“Freezing” or “seizure” means temporarily prohibiting the transfer,conversion,disposition or movement of property or temporarily assuming custody or control of property on the basis of an order issued by a court or a competent authority.“冻结”或“扣押”系指根据法院或主管当局下达的命令暂时禁止财产的转让、变换、处置或转移,或对财产实行暂时性扣留或控制。(联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约第1(l)条)
This is the European Agency for the Mana-gement of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union.It is a specialized and independent body tasked to coordinate the operational cooperation between Member States in the field of border security.FRONTEX complements and provides particular added value to the national border management systems of the Member States.Its tasks include carrying out risk analysis;co-ordination of operational cooperation between Member Sates in the field of management of external borders;assistance to Member States in the training of national border guards,including the establi-shment of common training standards;following up the development of research relevant for the control and surveillance of external borders;assistance to Member States in circumstances requiring increased technical and operational assistance at external borders;and providing Member States with the necessary support in organising joint return operations.此为负责管理欧洲联盟成员国外部边境业务合作的欧洲机构。它是一个特别的、独立的机构,专门负责协调各成员国之间在边境安全领域的业务合作。边境署向成员国边境管理系统提供特别补充标准。其任务包括对风险进行评估;在外部边境管理方面协调成员国间的业务合作;协助会员国对国家边防警察进行培训,包括建立共同培训标准;对外部边境的控制与监督进行相关的后续发展研究;要求成员国提供外部边境技术及业务援助时帮助成员国;并在组织联合返回行动中为成员国提供必要的援助。
See border.见边境。
When Conventions are concluded between the Member States of the European Communities with a view to the completion of an area without internal frontiers,the Contracting Parties shall agree on the conditions under which the provisions of this Convention are to be replaced or amended in the light of the corresponding provisions of such Conventions.所有缔约国应根据欧洲共同体成员国就区域内取消内部边境缔结的协议条款,对替代或修订本协议条款的情形达成一致。(2000年申根协议第142.1条)
The rules of the transit across the frontier zone of the Republic of Georgia are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Georgia.穿越格鲁吉亚共和国边境地区条例由格鲁吉亚共和国内阁制定。(格鲁吉亚外国人合法地位法第27条)
frontier control边境控制
It means the measures taken by a country to monitor or regulate its border.Frontier controls are put in place to control the movement of people,animals and goods into as well as out of a country.Specialized government agencies are usually created to perform border control.Such agencies may perform various functions such as customs,immigration,security,quarantine.The most common term is border control.指一国采取的监督或管理边境措施。为了控制人员、动物以及货物从一国进出的流动,设立专门的政府机构来维持边境控制。这种机构履行海关、移民、安全、检疫等职责。最常见的术语为边境控制(border control)。
Frontier control means the enforcement of law which relates to,or in so far as it relates to,the movement of persons or goods into or out of the United Kingdom or another State.边境控制是指关于人员或货物进出英国或其他国家的执法行为。(英国2002年国籍、移民与庇护法第141(6)条)
Frontier control or formality means:1.any control applied,in connection with or on the occasion of the crossing of an internal frontier,by the public authorities of a Member State or by other persons,under the national legislation of a Member State;2.any formality imposed on a person in connection with the crossing of an internal frontier and to be fulfilled on the occasion of such crossing.边境控制或手续指:1.任何由(欧盟)成员国公共当局或根据成员国国家法律授权人员实施的与或在穿越内部边境时有关的控制;2.对穿越内部边境并实现此次越境的有关人员实施的任何手续。(欧洲议会关于取消人员穿越内部边境的控制的决议95/0201第3.4条)
frontier worker边界工人
The term “frontier worker” refers to a migrant worker who retains his or her habitual residence in a neighbouring State to which he or she normally returns every day or at least once a week.在一邻国保持惯常住所并通常每日返回或至少每星期返回一次该国的移徙工人。(1990年保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约第2(2)(a)条)相关词语 migrant worker(移徙工人)
Frontier workers,as defined in article 2,paragraph 2(a),of the present Convention,shall be entitled to the rights provided for in part IV that can be applied to them by reason of their presence and work in the territory of the State of employment,taking into account that they do not have their habitual residence in that state.本公约第2条第2款(a)项界定的边境工人,考虑到他们的长惯住所不在就业国境内,应享有第四部分所规定的由于他们身在该国并在其境内工作而适用他们的权利。(1990年保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约第58条第(1)款)
A design printed on both sides of the document or an inner page of the document which,when the page is viewed by transmitted light,forms an interlocking image.正背(透明的)对印是指印刷在证件两面或证件内页上的一种图案,在透射光下观察该页,构成一个连锁的图像。
full age成年
Age of majority.法定年龄;成年。
full and final adoption完全最终领养(美)
A legal adoption in which the child receives all the rights of a natural born,legitimate child.合法领养,指被领养儿童获得自然出生、合法儿童所享有的权利。
full front(facial )image完整正面(脸部)照片
A portrait of a holder of the MRTD produced in accordance with the specifications established in ICAO Doc 9303,Part 3,Volume 1,Section IV.根据国际民航组织第9303号文件第3部分第1卷第IV节中的规范制作的机读旅行证件持证人的标准照。
full hearing充分审理;全面听证
A hearing at which the parties are allowed notice of each other's claims and are given ample opportunity to present their positions with evidence and argument.即允许各方倾听各自的申诉并给予充分的机会展示证据进行辩论表达各自立场的听证。
full powers全权
Full powers means a document emanating from the competent authority of a state designating a person or persons to represent the state for negotiating,adopting,authenticating the text of a treaty,expressing the consent of a state to be bound by a treaty,or for accomplishing any other act with respect to that treaty.Heads of State,Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs are considered as representing their state for the purpose of all acts relating to the conclusion of a treaty and do not need to present full powers.Heads of diplomatic missions do not need to present full powers for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty between the accrediting state and the state to which they are accredited.Likewise,represen-tatives accredited by states to an international conference or to an international organization or one of its organs do not need to present full powers for the purpose of adopting the text of a treaty in that conference,organization or organ.全权证书是指一国主管当局所颁发,指派一人或数人代表该国谈判、议定或认证条约约文,表示该国同意承受条约拘束,或完成有关条约之任何其他行为之文件。国家元首、政府首长及外交部长,为实施关于缔结条约之一切行为。使馆馆长,为议定派遣国与驻在国间条约约文,国家派往国际会议或派驻国际组织或该国际组织一机关之代表,为议定在该会议、组织或机关内议定之条约约文。(维也纳条约法公约第2(1)(c)条、第7条)
The Secretary or the authorized representative or consular officer may issue the following types of passports:
(a)Diplomatic passport for persons imbued with diplomatic status or are on diplomatic mission such as:The Governor of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and delegates to intern-ational or regional conferences when on official mission or accorded full powers by the President.部长或获授权代表或领事官员可签发以下类型的护照:(a)具有外交身份或肩负外交使命的人员的外交护照,比如:菲律宾中央银行行长和代表肩负官方使命或被总统授予全权参加国际或地区会议时。(菲律宾1996年护照法第7(a)(8)条)
full size(Format-A)machine readable visa(MRV-A)全尺寸(A 格式)机读签证(MRV-A)
An MRV conforming with the dimensional specifications contained in Doc.9303,Part 2,sized to completely fill a passport visa page.与第9303号文件第2部分载有的空间规格一致的、大小为护照签证页的机读签证。(国际民航组织第9303文件第2部分第3条)
full-time equivalent相当于全日制
Part-time or accelerated studies will be considered equivalent to full-time studies if they are equal to the total amount of time required to complete those studies on a full-time basis.如果业余时间或者加速课程计划学习的时间与全日制学习总时间对等,也会被视为全日制学习。
full-time student全日制学生
Full-time student can be the one(usually in higher education)who takes a full load of course work each academic term. The distinc-tion between a full-time and part-time student varies markedly from country to country. The visa(study permit)an international students need hold is different from one to another.全日制学生是指每学期都要上满全时课程的学生(通常指接受高等教育的学生)。全职与兼职学生之间的区别每个国家的规定不同,留学生需要持有的签证(学习许可证)也不尽相同。
Cash assistance shall not be made available to refugees who are full-time students in institutions of higher education(as defined by the Director after consultation with the Secretary of Education).高等院校的全日制学生的难民将不能获得现金援助(此处的“高校”由难民安置办公室主任与教育部长协商后确定)。(美国移民与国籍法2010年修订版第412(c)节第(2)(B)条)
full-time study全日制学习
To be considered full-time,studies must be at least 15 hours of instruction per week during the academic year,including any training in the workplace required as part of the program.指在学年学习中每周学习时间不少于15小时,包括培训计划所要求的受训时间。
fundamental freedoms基本自由
See fundamental human rights.见基本人权。
States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to:
(a)The development of the child's perso-nality,talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential;
(b)The development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms,and for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.缔约国一致认为教育儿童的目的应是:
(b )培养对人权和基本自由以及《联合国宪章》所载各项原则的尊重。(联合国儿童权利公约第29.1条)
For the purposes of this Act,discrimination is any act which directly or indirectly,leads to a distinction,exclusion,restriction or preference against an alien based on race,color,descent or national or ethnic origin,beliefs and practices religious,and having as its purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition or exercise,on an equal footing,of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political,economic,social or cultural.就本法而言,歧视指下列任何行为:基于种族、肤色、世系或民族或人种,宗教信仰和行为的原因直接或间接地导致了对外国人的区别、排斥、限制或优惠,以取消或损害其在政治、经济、社会或文化方面的人权及基本自由在平等地位上的承认或行使为目的或效果。(西班牙2009年移民法第23.1条)
Aliens and stateless persons in the Republic of Belarus shall enjoy the same rights and freedoms and fulfil the same obligations as citizens of the Republic of Belarus unless the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus,the present Law and other legislative acts of the Republic provide for otherwise.The restrictions of rights and freedoms of aliens and stateless persons may be established only in cases when it is necessary to protect rights and funda-mental freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Belarus,to ensure state security,to protect public order and health of inhabitants.白俄罗斯共和国境内的外国人和无国籍人员享有《白俄罗斯宪法》与白俄罗斯公民同样的权利与自由,并履行同样的义务,除非现行法律和其他法令另有规定。只有在有必要保护白俄罗斯共和国公民的权利和基本自由、维护国家安全、维持公共秩序和居民健康的情况下,才会限制外国人和无国籍人员的权利和自由。(白俄罗斯外国人及无国籍人员合法地位法第3条)
fundamental human rights基本人权
A view reflecting the notion that within the large scope of human rights,some human rights are claimed to be of particular significance when considering the dignity and worth of the human person,equal rights of men and women and the promotion of social progress and better standards of living.Support for this view comes from the non-derogable nature of certain rights.Thus,Art.4(1),International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,1966,permits derogation “in time of public emergency threatening the life of the nation” but prohibits any derogation from Arts.6(right to life),7(torture),8(1)and(2)(slavery and servitude),11(imprisonment for breach of contractual obligation),15(retroactive criminal liability),16(recognition everywhere as a person before the law)and 18(freedom of thought,conscience and religion).This notwithstanding,the trend is to regard all human rights as universal,indivisible,interdependent and interrelated,to be treated in a fair and equal manner,on the same footing and with the same emphasis.大范围内反映人权观点的看法,考虑到尊严及人类价值,男女平等及促进社会进步与较高的生活标准,一些人权极为重要。对此种观点的支持来源于对某些权利不可违背的本质。因此《1966年公民及政治权利国际公约》第4(1)条规定,“在公共紧急情况下威胁到国民生命时”,允许偏离这些权利,但禁止违背第6条(生命权利),第7条(虐待),第8(1)及(2)条款(奴隶及奴役),第11条(违背条约义务受到监禁),第15条(追溯刑事责任),第16条(在法律面前每个人均有被承认的权利)及第18条(思想、良心及宗教的自由)。尽管有这一看法,在同等状态及同等重要情况下,将人类所有权利看作普遍的、不可分的及互相依存,以公正、平等方式对待是大势所趋。相关词语 human rights(人权),prohibition of torture(禁止酷刑),slavery(奴隶制),torture(酷刑),non-derogable human rights(不可违背之人权),torture(酷刑)
In order to ensure the sovereignty of Mongolia,national security,and public order,the Gove-rnment of Mongolia may enact any legislation it considers necessary restricting the rights and freedoms of foreign citizens other than fundamental human rights.为了维护蒙古国的主权、国家安全和公共秩序,蒙古国政府应制定必要的法律以限制外国公民除了基本人权以外的权利和自由。(蒙古国外国人合法地位法第10.8条)
Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations have,in the Charter,reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person,and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom.铭记联合国人民在《宪章》中重申对基本人权和人格尊严与价值的信念,并决心促成更广泛自由中的社会进步及更高的生活水平。(联合国儿童权利公约序言部分)
Fundamental Rights Agency(FRA)基本权利机构(FRA)(欧盟)
The FRA serves to provide the relevant institutions and authorities of the Community and its Member States when implementing Community law with assistance and expertise relating to fundamental rights in order to support them when they take measures or formulate courses of action within their respective spheres of competence to fully respect fundamental rights.Its tasks include information and data collection,research and analysis;advice to EU institutions and Member States;co-operation with civil society and awareness-raising.基本权利机构的设立是在执行共同体法律时旨在向共同体的相关机构及当局以及成员国提供有关基本权利的援助及专门知识,在上述机构或成员国在各自管辖范围遵守基本权利而采取措施或制订行动方针时对其进行支援。其任务包括信息及数据的收集、研究以及分析;为欧盟机构及成员国提供建议;与国家政体进行合作并提高权利意识。
To supply or provide something.供应;提供。
The party liable for costs may be required to furnish security.当事人承担的费用要求提供担保。(德国2004年居留法2007年修订第66(5)条)
The master of every vessel arriving in or leaving Malaysia shall—
(i)furnish to an immigration officer a complete list of the members of the crew in such form and containing such particulars as may be prescribed;
(ii)produce to an immigration officer for inspection and interrogation all the members of the crew;
(iii)furnish to an immigration officer in triplicate identification cards of each member of the crew in such form as may be prescribed;
(iv)submit to such search of his vessel by an immigration officer as may be necessary to establish the presence or absence of other persons on board;
(v)produce to an immigration officer his ship's papers;
(vi)report to an immigration officer the presence on board of any stowaway or any unauthorized person or any person proceeding to any state or country on his removal from any other state or country by the competent authorities of that state or country;and
(vii)furnish to an immigration officer in triplicate a general declaration in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Convention Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic 1965.
further leave to remain允许继续居留(英)
An extension of one's existing permission to stay in the United Kingdom for a specified length of time.在英国原有居留许可延长一定的时间。