I went to town on Monday
To buy myself a coat,
But on the way I met a man
Who traveled with a caravan,
And bought a billy-goat.

I went to town on Tuesday
And bought a fancy vest.
I kept the pretty bucklestraps,
Buttonholes and pocketflaps,
And threw away the rest.
I went to town on Thursday
To buy a loaf of bread,
But when I got there, goodness sakes!
The town was full of rattlesnakes —
The bakers all were dead.
I went to town on Saturday
To get myself a wife,
But when I saw the lady fair
I gnashed my teeth and pulled my hair
And scampered for my life.

[NOTES] This rhyme helps children learn the days of the week. This man goes to town four days to buy things, but he does not have any luck. On Monday, he does not get to the town. He buys a goat on the road to town. On Tuesday he buys clothes just to cut off the buttons and such. On Thursday he gets to town, but finds it full of snakes that have killed all the bakers. On Saturday he goes to town to get a wife, but he thinks she is not beautiful and so he runs away.
caravan—group of people living together in small houses that travel on wheels
fancy—very beautiful
buckle-straps—metal that keeps clothes closed
pocketflaps—the covers for pockets
goodness sakes—idiom that means oh dear or oh no
rattlesnakes—snakes that make a sound with their tails
to gnash—to bite hard many times
for my life—frightened I might die