— 09 —
Dick and Jane
“Oh, see!” said Dick.
“I can make something.
I can make a dog.
I can make Spot.
Look, look!
Here is Spot.”
Jane laughed.
She said, “Oh, Dick!
Make a kitten.
Make Little Mew.”
“Here is a kitten,” said Dick.
“Here is a little kitten.
Here is Little Mew.
She is funny.”
“See!” said Jane.
“I can make something.
I can make a ball.
I can make a house.
I can make a funny dog.
Here is a big ball.
Here is a big, big house.
Here is a funny dog.”
“Oh! Oh!” said Jane.
“Oh, look!” said Dick.
Away went the kitten.
Away went the dog.
Away went the ball.
Away went the house.
Oh! Oh! Oh!