Mr. Caryll shifted in his chair. One glance he gave the countess, then smiled. "I have sought at your hands the reasons why you should desire my death," said he slowly. "You withhold them. Be it so. I take it that you are ashamed of them; and so, their nature is not difficult to conjecture.""Sir - " began Rotherby, hotly, half-starting from his seat.
"Nay, let him trundle on, Charles," said his mother. "He'll be the sooner done.""Instead," proceeded Mr. Caryll, as if there had been no interruption, "I will now urge you my reasons why you should not so proceed.""Ha!" snapped Rotherby. "They will need to be valid."Mr. Caryll twisted farther round, to face his lordship more fully. "They are as valid," said he very impressively - so impressively and sternly that his hearers felt themselves turning cold under his words, filled with some mysterious apprehension. "They are as valid as were my reasons for holding my hand in the field out yonder, when I had you at the mercy of my sword, my lord. Neither more nor less. From that, you may judge them to be very valid.""But ye don't name them," said her ladyship, attempting to conquer her uneasiness.
"I shall do so," said he, and turned again to his lordship.
"I had no cause to love you that morning, nor at any time, my lord; I had no cause to think - as even you in your heart must realize, if so be that you have a heart, and the intelligence to examine it - I had no cause to think, my lord, that Ishould be doing other than a good deed by letting drive my blade. That such an opinion was well founded was proven by the thing you did when I turned my back upon you after sparing your useless life."Rotherby broke in tempestuously, smiting the desk before him.
"If you think to move us to mercy by such - ""Oh, not to mercy would I move you," said Mr. Caryll, his hand raised to stay the other, "not to mercy, but to horror of the thing you contemplate." And then, in an oddly impressive manner, he launched his thunderbolt. "Know, then, that if that morning I would not spill your blood, it was because Ishould have been spilling the same blood that flows in my own veins; it was because you are my brother; because your father was my father. No less than that was the reason that withheld my hand."He had announced his aim of moving them to horror; and it was plain that he had not missed it, for in frozen horror sat they all, their eyes upon him, their cheeks ashen, their mouths agape - even Hortensia, who from what already Mr. Caryll had told her, understood now more than any of them.
After a spell Rotherby spoke. "You are my brother?" he said, his voice colorless. "My brother? What are you saying?"And then her ladyship found her voice. "Who was your mother?"she inquired, and her very tone was an insult, not to the man who sat there so much as to the memory of poor Antoinette de Maligny. He flushed to the temples, then paled again.
"I'll not name her to your ladyship," said he at, last, in a cold, imperious voice.
"I'm glad ye've so much decency," she countered.
"You mistake, I think," said he. "'Tis respect for my mother that inspires me." And his green eyes flashed upon the painted hag. She rose up a very fury.
"What are you saying?" she shrilled. "D'ye hear the filthy fellow, Rotherby? He'll not name the wanton in my presence out of respect for her.""For shame, madam! You are speaking of his mother," cried Hortensia, hot with indignation.
"Pshaw! 'Tis all an impudent lie - a pack of lies!" cried Rotherby. "He's crafty as all the imps of hell."Mr. Caryll rose. "Here in the sight of God and by all that Ihold most sacred, I swear that what I have said is true. Iswear that Lord Ostermore - your father - was my father. Iwas born in France, in the year 1690, as I have papers upon me that will prove, which you may see, Rotherby."His lordship rose. "Produce them," said he shortly.
Mr. Caryll drew from an inner pocket of his coat the small leather case that Sir Richard Everard had given him. From this he took a paper which he unfolded. It was a certificate of baptism, copied from the register of the Church of St.
Antoine in Paris.
Rotherby held out his hand for it. But Mr. Caryll shook his head. "Stand here beside me, and read it," said he.
Obeying him, Rotherby went and read that authenticated copy, wherein it was declared that Sir Richard Everard had brought to the Church of St. Antoine for baptism a male child, which he had declared to be the son of John Caryll, Viscount Rotherby, and Antoinette de Maligny, and which had received in baptism the name of Justin.
Rotherby drew away again, his head sunk on his breast. Her ladyship was seated, her eyes upon her son, her fingers drumming absently at the arms of her chair. Then Rotherby swung round again.
"How do I know that you are the person designated there - this Justin Caryll?""You do not; but you may. Cast your mind back to that night at White's when you picked your quarrel with me, my lord. Do you remember how Stapleton and Collis spoke up for me, declared that they had known me from boyhood at Oxford, and had visited me at my chateau in France? What was the name of that chateau, my lord - do you remember?"Rotherby looked at him, searching his memory. But he did not need to search far. At first glance the name of Maligny had seemed familiar to him. "It was Maligny," he replied, "and yet - ""If more is needed to convince you, I can bring a hundred witnesses from France, who have known me from infancy. You may take it that I can establish my identity beyond all doubt.""And what if you do?" demanded her ladyship suddenly. "What if you do establish your identity as my lord's bastard? What claim shall that be upon us?""That, ma'am," answered Mr. Caryll very gravely, "I wait to learn from my brother here."