第176章 29th September,1839(2)
I am very glad that I went to Tangiers,for many reasons.In the first place,I was permitted to circulate many copies of God's Word both amongst the Jews and the Christians,by the latter of whom it was particularly wanted,their ignorance of the most vital points of religion being truly horrible.In the second place,I acquired a vast stock of information concerning Africa and the state of its interior.One of my principal associates was a black slave,whose country was only three days'journey from Timbuctoo,which place he had frequently visited.The Soosi men also told me many of the secrets of the land of wonders from which they come,and the rabbis from Fez and Morocco were no less communicative.Moreover Iconsider it a great advantage to have obtained the friendship of Mr.Hay,who is a true British gentleman.I found him at first reserved and distant,and I thought averse to countenance the object of my mission.In a few days,however,his manner changed surprisingly,and at my departure he begged me to communicate to the Bible Society that at all times and seasons he should be happy to receive its commands,and to render all the assistance in Fez and Morocco which his official situation would permit him,should the views of the Society at any future time be directed to those regions.
Permit me,my dear Sir,to correct in your letter something which savours of inaccuracy.You hint at the issues of the Scriptures in Spain having been small.Now during the last year I have issued three thousand Testaments and five hundred Bibles,which is certainly no small circulation of the Word of God in such a country.But pray inform me why the circulation has not been ten times greater?Surely you are aware that among the many peculiarities of my situation was this distressing one,namely,that I was scarcely ever able to supply the people with the books that they were in want of.They clamoured for Bibles,and I had nothing but Testaments to offer them.Had I been possessed of twenty thousand Bibles in the spring of the present year,I could have disposed of them all without leaving Madrid;and they would have found their way through all Spain.I beseech you always to bear this fact in mind in your reports to the public,otherwise that public will remain strangely in the dark respecting the spirit of enquiry which is abroad in Spain.
You are quite right in supposing that I entertain a favourable opinion of Mr.Wood.I know him to be a good husband and father,and a man who fears the Lord:he is likewise possessed of considerable ability;but I am entirely unacquainted with any plan which be may have formed respecting printing the Scriptures in Spain,or any memorial which he may have sent in to the Bible Society on the subject,so that of course I cannot be expected to express an opinion.It is my intention in a few days to depart from hence on my expedition,so that should you be desirous of writing to me,you had perhaps best address to Madrid.
When the Bible Society has no further occasion for my poor labours,I hope it will do me justice to the world.I have been its faithful and zealous servant.I shall on a future occasion take the liberty of addressing you as a friend respecting my prospects.
I have the materials of a curious book of travels in Spain;I have enough metrical translations from all languages,especially the Celtic and Sclavonic,to fill a dozen volumes;and I have formed a vocabulary of the Spanish Gypsy tongue,and also a collection of the songs and poetry of the Gitanos with introductory essays.
Perhaps some of these literary labours might be turned to account.
I wish to obtain honourably and respectably the means of visiting China,or particular parts of Africa.I call this letter private,but communicate such parts of it as you think proper.